
Unity Health’s Rehabilitation program offers physiotherapy and occupational therapy services to help patients recover from illness, injury or surgery. Our goal is to provide seamless, integrated care along the entire healing journey.
Physiotherapists work on mobility, assessing and treating acute respiratory and neurological concerns and managing musculoskeletal impairments while educating our patients about self-management and home exercise programs. Working in many areas of our hospitals including wound care and inpatient psychiatry, occupational therapists help people participate in daily self-care, work and leisure activities to give meaning and purpose to their lives.
Read the sections below to learn more about the rehabilitation services we offer.
Rehabilitation at St. Joseph's Health Centre
Clinics & Services
We provide physiotherapy and occupational therapy by physician referral to Toronto’s west end community. This service directly supports emergency and urgent care delivered by the orthopedic and plastic surgery teams at St. Joseph’s by providing comprehensive assessment and rehabilitation. Physiotherapists and occupational therapists also provide consultation and treatment in the plastic and fracture clinic settings, as well as preoperative education for all primary elective total hip and knee replacement patients.
Featuring two gym areas, a hand and upper limb treatment room, a splinting room, an assessment kitchen and bathroom, our modern and well-resourced department was specifically designed to meet the rehabilitation needs of our patients.
View Outpatient Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation at St. Michael's Hospital
Physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants at St. Michael’s help patients regain function after experiencing an illness or injury at both the Outpatient Mobility Clinic and the Physiotherapy Clinic within the Sumac Family Health Team. We have 35 physiotherapists, 12 physiotherapy assistants and several casual staff to support on the weekends.
Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient outcomes, we work across most inpatient units and many outpatient clinics, most medical and surgical inpatient units, specialized ambulatory clinics and the St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health teams.
3rd Floor 73 Regent Park Blvd.
Fax: 416-864-6051
Clinics & Services

Rehabilitation at Providence Healthcare
Providence Hospital is one of Ontario’s largest post-acute hospitals providing inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services to assist people in returning safely home. Our goal is to provide seamless, integrated care along the patient’s healing journey from hospital to home, and at home for those who are recovering from major illness or surgery.
We offer rehabilitation in two streams (by physician referral, unless indicated):
- Inpatient: For individuals who require an inpatient rehab stay in our Hospital with the primary goal to improve and optimize their functional independence in order to return home safely.
- Outpatient: For individuals who do not require an inpatient rehab stay, for those who have returned home after completing our inpatient rehab program and/or for those individuals at home in the community. The outpatient clinics and services are designed to promote recovery while living at home.
We provide inpatient care to help improve and optimize patients’ functional independence, and outpatient care for those who have returned home after completing our inpatient rehab program and/or for those living in our community.
3276 St. Clair Ave. E.
Referrals from acute care or external inpatient rehab: patients are referred through the standardized and appropriate referral process (such as e-stroke) or through the paper-based GTA Rehab Network Outpatient rehab referral or GTA Rehab Network Inpatient rehab referral.
Referrals from Community: please complete our Community Referral Form
Fax completed referrals to our Admissions office at 416-285-3759.
For any questions, please call our Admissions Hotline at 416-285-3744.
For additional information on how to make a referral, please download and read our Referring Partners Guide.
Our outpatient clinics and services provide community-based programs with a strong focus on the needs of both individuals and their caregivers. Building strong community networks and connections is a key priority for Providence Healthcare.
Our outpatient clinics and services include:
Falls Prevention Clinic
The Falls Prevention Clinic is a client-centred, holistic program that offers a comprehensive mobility assessment and treatment program to individuals who are at risk for falls, have experienced a functional loss, and have identifiable rehabilitation goals. There is a focus on maximizing the individual’s function and safety while living in the community. This program is available to patients transitioning back to the community following an inpatient rehabilitation admission as well as individuals living in the community. Services include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work, as well as a review of the client’s medications by a certified geriatric pharmacist, with the focus to maximize an individual’s capability and safety while living in the community. This clinic falls under the umbrella of Specialized Geriatric Services provided by the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto.
Click here for falls referral form.
GLA:D Clinic (for Osteoarthritis)
This program is designed to help people who have osteoarthritis in their hips or knees. For more information, visit our Rheumatology page.
Orthopedic and Amputee Clinic
The Orthopaedic and Amputee Clinic offers consultation, assessment and rehabilitation services to outpatients of Providence Hospital, acute care hospitals and individuals living in the community with acute musculoskeletal injuries and amputation. It also includes an Amputee Assistive Devices Clinic. For more information, visit our Orthopedics page.
Click here for orthopedic referral form.
Outpatient Post-COVID Condition Rehabilitation Program
Click here for more information about this program.
Stroke and Neuro Clinic
The Stroke and Neuro Clinic offers assessment and rehabilitation services to individuals with recent strokes who are outpatients of Providence Hospital and acute care centres, as well as to individuals with neurological conditions who are outpatients of Providence Hospital. For more information, visit our Stroke and Cerebrovascular page.
Please note: Unity Health has made the difficult decision to adapt our service offerings by closing the Outpatient Post-COVID Condition Rehabilitation Program at Providence Healthcare. This change will allow us to dedicate staff and resources to other areas of need and support our return to regular operations.
The program will officially close its doors on August 31, 2023. We are working to accommodate as many patients currently on the waitlist as possible and providing family doctors with a list of alternate resources for their patients.
We have also made some resources available on our Outpatient Post-COVID Condition Resources page.
Arthritis Services
The arthritis services clinic is held twice a month at Providence by the Arthritis Society. For more information, visit our Rheumatology page.
Audiology and Hearing Aid Services
Canadian Hearing Services at Providence provides in-house expertise and valuable audiology services at Providence with its Doctor of Audiology. For more information, visit our Otolaryngology page.
Bariatric Centre of Excellence
Click here for detailed information about this program.
Providence Hospital chiropodists provide on-site assessment, treatment and prevention of diseases or disorders of the foot by therapeutic, surgical, orthotic or palliative means. For more information, visit our Chiropody page.
Massage Therapy Clinic
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissue of the body to alleviate discomfort associated with occupational stresses, muscular overuse and many chronic pain conditions.
Massage services at Providence Hospital are provided by a Registered Massage Therapist who is trained in:
- Warm-stone massage
- Reflexology
- Manual lymphatic drainage
- Pre-natal massage
Click here for referral information.
Pain Clinic
The pain clinic services are provided by a family practice physician who specializes in pain management and focuses on rehabilitation and providing people with tools to manage pain effectively. Individuals with conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain and headaches are suitable for the clinic. This clinic follows a holistic approach as it addresses the mind, body and spirit.
Click here for referral information.
Physiatry Clinic
This on-site service provided by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician (physiatrist) encompasses the comprehensive diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of people of all ages with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders and associated disabilities.
- Geriatric Medicine Clinic
- Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic
- Community Outreach
- Frailty Intervention Team (ON HOLD)
- Medication Management
Clinics & Services
The amputee team consists of the physician, prosthetist and rehab assessor (occupational therapist/physiotherapist). Services offered by the amputee team include a client-centred assessment of prosthetic readiness and eligibility for assistive devices funding. Prosthetic prescription is based on discussion and recommendations of all amputee team members including the client.
View Amputee Assistive Devices ClinicThe Falls Prevention Clinic is a client-centred, holistic program that offers a comprehensive mobility assessment and treatment program to individuals who are at risk for falls, have experienced a functional loss, and have identifiable rehabilitation goals. There is a focus on maximizing the individual’s function and safety while living in the community. This program is available to patients transitioning back to the community following an inpatient rehabilitation admission as well as individuals living in the community. Services include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work, as well as a review of the client’s medications by a certified geriatric pharmacist, with the focus to maximize an individual’s capability and safety while living in the community. This clinic falls under the umbrella of Specialized Geriatric Services provided by the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto.
View Falls Prevention ClinicOur rehabilitation programs focus on providing our patients, clients and their families with the interventions, treatment, resources and supports to optimize recovery.
Our programs include:
- Stroke and Neuro Rehab
- Orthopaedic and Amputee Rehab
- Geriatric and Medical Rehab
Our programs are supported by skilled interprofessional teams including registered nurses, registered practical nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, therapeutic recreationists, social workers, dietitians, speech language pathologists, pharmacists and physicians. All patients and families are engaged in identifying goals, planning care and the ongoing review of progress planning and discharge.
View Inpatient RehabilitationThe Orthopedic and Amputee Clinic offers consultation, assessment and rehabilitation services to outpatients of Providence Hospital, acute care hospitals and individuals living in the community with acute musculoskeletal injuries and amputation. Services include pain management, physiotherapy (group and/or individual sessions) and occupational therapy.
View Orthopedic and Amputee ClinicThis on-site service provided by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician (physiatrist) encompasses the comprehensive diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of people of all ages with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders and associated disabilities.
View Physiatry Clinic
As of April 1, 2021, St. Michael’s Foundation amalgamated with Providence Healthcare Foundation and all receipts will be issued by St. Michael’s Foundation.
We are pleased to let you know that your donation will go directly to the organization and priority that you have designated.
Last updated October 11, 2024