Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience (SCOPE)

SCOPE (Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience) is a Toronto-born initiative supporting community physicians to have access to community resources and health-care professionals, including specialists, home care and diagnostic imaging team.

SCOPE features include:

  • A centralized, standardized point of access for primary care providers to support health system navigation
  • Real-time consultation and support for complex and urgent patients
  • Access to supports and care coordination for structurally vulnerable patients through the Telemedicine Impact Plus (TIP) Program
  • Access to a Chronic Headache Program.

SCOPE is based on developing meaningful relationships with allied health professionals and specialists who value primary care. The program was co-designed and co-created by family physicians to reduce fragmentation and maximize efficient use of services.

Typically when a patient has a specific need, such as an urgent diagnostic test, their family doctor may feel that they have no option but to recommend that they go to an Emergency Department to obtain this. SCOPE supports them to access such urgent tests in a more appropriate way.


“I’ve found it to be amazing, I used it with great success – it helped me keep somebody out of the Emergency Department.”
“My patient needed an urgent cystoscopy and would have otherwise had to go back to the ED in order to have that set up, he’s got mobility issues so it would have been very challenging for his caregivers. Thanks to SCOPE, I was able to book him a test for next week.”

In addition to diagnostic imaging, SCOPE also provides access to internal medicine specialists and medicine sub-specialists, a nurse navigator and Home Care and Community Support Services. SCOPE is currently being used by 109 family doctors in the West Toronto community (St. Joseph’s Health Centre) and 139 family doctors in the Downtown East community (St. Michael’s Hospital). Through a simple sign-up procedure, family doctors will be provided with access to SCOPE. If you are a primary care provider, and would like to access SCOPE, please complete this short registration process at the SCOPE Hub site.

Learn about how SCOPE is diverting patients from the EDs and easing family physicians’ workloads.

To learn more about SCOPE and to register for SCOPE, visit scopehub.ca

Last updated December 07, 2023