Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

AI at Unity Health

Unity Health Toronto is a leader in Canada at developing hospital-based AI solutions, launching more than 50 artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics tools into practice. These tools are helping us to make better decisions, increase hospital efficiency and improve patient care.

Read more about our AI program in The Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper.

Learn more about some of the tools we have in place:

Access this information in a PDF format

The Data Science and Advanced Analytics team

Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) is a team of talented data engineers, data scientists, software developers and product managers who collaborate with leaders and clinicians at Unity Health to create data-driven solutions, often using AI and machine learning techniques. The DSAA team uses their expertise in epidemiology, computer science, engineering, biostatistics and econometrics to solve pressing problems in health care. 

Watch this video to learn more about the team:

The DSAA team has an Enterprise Data Warehouse to enable cutting-edge analytics. Watch this video to learn more about our Enterprise Data Warehouse:

We take your privacy and protecting your personal health information (PHI) very seriously. PHI is any information that identifies you and connects you to receiving care at a health care organization, such as your physical or mental health diagnoses, testing, treatment and demographic information (age, sex, neighborhood).

We use the PHI collected over the course of your care to create AI solutions that help improve the quality of care we’re able to provide, create efficiencies and plan for internal programs and operations. We also use your PHI in real-time to support your care providers in their decision-making so that we can provide you with the best possible care. Strong safeguards are in place to protect your PHI.

To learn more about how we protect your privacy and PHI when creating and using AI solutions, read our FAQs for patients and families.

At Unity Health, we are already seeing our AI solutions save lives and improve how we care for patients. We collaborate with external partners to help us share our AI tools across many hospitals and health care organizations in Canada and around the world.

One organization we are collaborating with is called Signal 1. It is a health AI start-up that is helping to build on and commercialize the AI systems already in use at Unity Health. Learn more about Unity Health’s partnership with Signal 1.

Your PHI will not be sold or shared by external partners. Your data may be used as part of a large data set to look for patterns and build AI solutions. Strong safeguards are in place to ensure that the types of PHI that are included in a data set are limited and that PHI is only used for specific and limited purposes.

For questions, please reach out to the team at DSAA@unityhealth.to

Last updated November 04, 2024