Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Belonging at Unity Health

At Unity Health, we recognize racism, discrimination and inequity as fundamental barriers to people realizing their full potential. Our Council on Anti-Racism, Equity and Social Accountability is working at all levels of the organization to address and remove these roadblocks.

The work of the Council is grounded in an understanding of the disproportionate marginalization of Black, Indigenous and other racialized people, as well as communities marginalized due to their socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, sex and gender identity, ability and more. Its broader mandate is to inform and oversee transformational improvements in equity, systemic racism and social accountability at Unity Health over time, with an initial focus on anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism.

Below are some highlights of the work we’re doing to make Unity Health an inclusive place for all our people.



  • Our Council on Anti-Racism, Equity and Social Accountability is attended by the CEO and members of the Executive Team, and is advisory to the Executive Committee. Its membership includes representation from all of our sites, with specific attention to representation of Black, Indigenous and racialized people as well as representation of LGBTQ2S+ communities.
  • Our Human Rights Office provides a safe and affirming space for people to disclose and address their experiences within the workplace, including harassment, non-medical accommodation needs or conflict.
  • Our first employee affinity group is engaging Black staff in alignment with our priority of anti-Black racism. 
  • Our LGBTQ2S+ Working Group is supporting targeted consultation and action towards inclusion for queer and trans staff, learners and patients at Unity Health.


  • We have a Board objective tied to representational hiring, with an initial focus on the race / Indigenous make-up of the organization.
  • Our collection of sociodemographic data from staff and physicians, such as race/ethnicity, disability, gender and sexual orientation, is informing strategic equity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Our Black Experience Report and Action Plan – built on meetings conducted with Black staff to hear about their experiences ­– is informing the way we work.



  • We are partnered with the Canadian Centre for Diversity & Inclusion, a national organization dedicated to improving workplace equity, diversity and inclusion through research, learning and practice. The partnership gives staff access to an online library of more than 1,000 diversity and inclusion documents as well as monthly webinars on topics on anti-racism, diversity and inclusion.

For information about how we ensure equitable compensation for our staff, visit the Compensation, Benefits and Pension page. For information about how we support equitable career development for our staff, visit the Career Growth: Education & Development Opportunities page. For information about our workplace wellness and safety supports, including our Workplace Violence Prevention and Management Program, visit the Quality of Work-Life: Programs for Safety, Wellness & Work-Life Balance page.

“I really enjoy the location of St. Joe’s and the community around St. Joe’s. It’s such a diverse neighbourhood, whether it’s your coworkers or patients. It does really give you diversity in terms of who you get to work with. It gives you good perspective.”

– Yao Tian, Registered Nurse, Interprofessional Resource Team, St. Joseph’s Health Centre


Last updated November 22, 2022