Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.


Unity Health Toronto maintains and preserves the history of its three legacy sites made possible by the Archives at each site location. We offer services to hospital staff, students and the public. The historical records in the archives are important to researchers of all kinds. Hospital staff often consult the archives when compiling photo exhibits, writing press releases or checking historical facts. Students of social and medical history have consulted us while preparing thesis and student research papers. Writers, reporters and a variety of independent researchers have used our records as source materials for novels, film scripts and newspaper articles.

If you have research questions, please contact our archivist. In-person visits may be arranged. Note that some restrictions apply. Photocopies of material may be requested and will be prepared by the archivist at 10 cents per page. Requests for scanned and/or printed material will be carried out by our Medical Media Centre for a fee. Any information or images obtained from St. Michael’s, St. Joseph’s, or Providence intended for publication require permission from the archivist.

  • St. Joseph’s Heath Centre: More details for St. Joseph’s Archives are forthcoming. Please stay tuned for more information on the unique records, special collections, and scope of archives at this sites.
  • Michael’s Hospital: The St. Michael’s Hospital Archives opened on Dec. 1, 1974. We collect and preserve a permanent record of the work and activities of St. Michael’s according to archival standards. The archives houses a rich collection from the hospital’s corporate and historical records. In addition, we hold the records of the former St. Michael’s Hospital School of Nursing, including graduation photographs, student uniforms and transcripts. We also hold partial records for the Wellesley Central Hospital. Take a look back at the early years of St. Michael’s Hospital in the online gallery of archival photos on Flickr and the recently digitized newsletters of the nursing school alumnae association.
  • Providence Healthcare: More details for Providence Archives are forthcoming. Please stay tuned for more information on the unique records, special collections, and scope of archives at this site.


416-864-6060 ext. 77542
Fax: 416-864-5296
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Last updated September 22, 2021