Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Mental Health & Addictions

Unity Health’s Mental Health and Addictions Programs are renowned for providing high quality care to disadvantaged people living with mental illness, addictions and other major life obstacles. We seek to treat patients with dignity and respect while providing them with options to meet their diverse and complex needs.

With an interprofessional team of psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, and more, our programs are designed to help people struggling with issues like depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol addiction, changes in cognition and more.

Offered in both inpatient and outpatient settings across our two sites, some of the services we provide include:

  • Child, adolescent and family mental health services
  • Smoking cessation
  • Mindfulness-based relapse prevention
  • Stress management
  • Counselling
  • Crisis intervention and stabilization
  • Psychiatric emergency
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy

Click through the links below to learn more about the mental health programs, clinics and services offered at Unity Health.

Mental Health & Addictions at St. Joseph's Health Centre

At St. Joseph’s, our interprofessional team is made up of psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, psychologists, peer support specialists, addiction counselors and social recreation therapists.

Addiction Services at St. Joseph’s span across both the Family Medicine and Mental Health Departments, and are integrated with multiple other programs throughout the hospital. Our specialists include emergency addiction crisis workers, addiction medicine consultation-liaison services, addiction medicine physicians, residents and nurses.

The services and clinics we provide include:

Addiction Shared Care

A referral program that offers collaborative care between our addiction physicians and family physicians for patients with substance use disorders. Patients can be referred for an assessment by faxing a referral to 416-530-6106 or by calling 416-530-6000 ext. 3969.

Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM)

Brief support/referral clinic for patients not currently connected to addiction recovery resources. This walk-in clinic runs every Wednesday from 1 pm to 4 pm (last registration 3:30pm) as well as Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am. Register at Outpatient Mental Health Services, located on the 5th Floor, Morrow Wing.

Smoking Cessation Clinic

Supporting Unity Health’s goal of being a smoke-free facility, this multidisciplinary service offers pharmacotherapy and counselling related to stopping smoking. No referral is necessary. Please call 416-530-6000 ext. 3969 to book an appointment.

Toronto Centre for Substance Use in Pregnancy (T-CUP)

The T-CUP programs offers multidisciplinary addiction, obstetric and neonatal care to pregnant women in an empathic and non-judgmental environment. The program is part of the Family Medicine Centre, located on the Ground Floor of St. Joseph’s. For more information call 416-530-6860.

St Joseph’s Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit provides services to adults aged 19 years and older. The unit’s clinical priority is to deliver holistic and accessible mental health services to patients and their families.

Our individualized mental health care and services are planned in collaboration with patients, families and community stakeholders in order to meet the unique needs of the people we serve. We are committed to providing cutting-edge care and services and reinforcing innovative partnerships.

This unit also includes:

Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit (7M)

The Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit or 7M is a 29-bed unit providing inpatient care and treatment for people in the acute phase of a severe mental illness. We provide thorough assessment, care planning, interventions and evaluation.

A multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, psychiatric attendants, a psychiatric resident, general practitioner, occupational therapist, social worker, therapeutic recreationist, pharmacist, chaplain help to provide patients with individualized care plans. We offer a range of therapeutic and leisure group activities.

7th Floor Morrow Wing
416-530-6000 ext. 6175
Fax: 416-530-6105

The Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

The PICU is a safe and controlled environment for patients with a broad spectrum of acute and persistent mental health needs. The six-bed unit provides mental health care and treatment for individuals whose acute distress, suicidal or challenging behavior needs a secure environment beyond that which can normally be provided on regular psychiatric units.

The purpose of this unit is to manage and reduce the risks associated with acute episodes of mental illness, while respecting patients’ privacy and dignity. The care and intervention provided in the program helps patients develop the skills, insight, education and confidence required to return safely to another unit or to the community.

7th Floor Morrow Wing
416-530-6000 ext. 4690
Fax: 416-530-6509

Our Outpatient Mental Health service provides client-centered care to adults through a variety of hospital and community based programs. The main clinic space is on the 5th floor of the Morrow Wing, extending into the Gilgan Family Wing and is accessible from the main elevators in the Morrow wing.

Our inter-professional programs are:

Collaborative Care Clinic (CCC)

CCC provides assessment and treatment for a wide range of mental health concerns using a team approach. The clinic offers psychiatric assessment, diagnostic clarification, treatment and time-limited follow up. The clinic operates an episode of care model (up to 6 months). We offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT) skills, Mindfulness based and Wellness group programing, individual therapy, as well as case management supports.

Pregnancy and Post-Partum Mental Health Program

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Mental Health Program supports individuals who are experiencing challenges with their mental health in all stages of reproduction including planning, pregnancy and postpartum. Support is available for individuals who are experiencing new challenges with their mental health, or those who have a history of mental health issues and are concerned about risks. We offer assessment, treatment, individual therapy and group therapy up to one year postpartum.

Pregnancy & Post-Partum Mental Health Program information sheet

Postpartum Group information sheetPostpartum Group referral form

Referral to CCC/Pregnancy and post-partum services can be made via OCEANS eReferral. All referral not completed on OCEANS must be made using this referral form.

5th Floor Morrow/Gilgan Family Wing

Tel: 416-530-6717

Fax: 416-530-6774/6076


8 am to 4 pm

Day Treatment Program

The adult day treatment program provides a structured therapeutic environment for individuals transitioning from psychiatric inpatient care or who need a period of more intensive support as an outpatient. This is a six-week program. Clients receive care from our multi-professional team including a psychiatrist, social worker’s and an Occupational Therapist. They provide skills based and educational groups as well as individual supports.

Day Treatment program only accepts internal referrals from St. Joseph’s Mental Health and Addictions programs and Family Health Team.

Fax: 416-530-6076

8 am to 4 pm

Rapid Access Crisis Clinic (RACC)

RACC provides urgent assessment, diagnosis, treatment and time-limited follow up (up to 3 months) for clients who have presented in crisis to St Joseph’s Health Centre Emergency Department (ED)/Mental Health Emergency Services Unit (MHESU).

RACC only accepts internal referrals from ED and MHESU.

5th Floor Morrow/Gilgan Family Wing

Tel: 416-530-6717

Fax: 416-530-6774

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1 pm to 4:30 pm for new assessments

Medication Wellness Clinic

The medication wellness clinic provides time-limited Family Physician care for clients of the Mental Health and Addictions service who do not have a Primary Care Provider (PCP). Taking certain medications, such as anti-psychotics can increase the risk of weight gain and other complications, including diabetes and heart disease. Our clinic focuses on testing for and treating these conditions. The clinic is run by a Family Physician, nurses and a social worker. The team will assist in trying to find clients a permanent PCP in the community.

Medication Wellness Clinic only accepts internal referrals from within the Mental Health and Addictions program.

5th Floor Gilgan Family Wing

Tel: 416-530-6000 ext. 3448

Fax: 416-530-6076

Tuesdays 8 am to 4 pm

Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience (SCOPE)

SCOPE is an interdisciplinary multi-site program designed to connect primary care providers and their patients with appropriate specialized services. The SCOPE Mental Health Navigator at St. Joseph’s Health Centre provides short-term case management, follow-up on Collaborative Care Clinic (CCC) referrals, mental health service navigation, patient psychoeducation, referral recommendations, resource finding, and brief supportive counselling for patients awaiting assessment by a CCC psychiatrist.

Primary care providers can call SCOPE at 416-603-6418 and select the “St. Joseph’s Health Centre” and “Mental Health” options to contact the SCOPE Mental Health Navigator.

SCOPE is only available by physician and nurse practitioner referral. SCOPE services are delivered locally and the St. Joseph’s Health Centre site supports primary care provides working within the West-Toronto Ontario Health Team.

For additional information on SCOPE, see the SCOPE Hub website at https://scopehub.ca/

Primary care providers can register for SCOPE using the following link: https://wcredcap.wchospital.ca/surveys/?s=XW8N4KFAWX

Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)

ACTT provides community-based support and rehabilitation to adults with severe and persistent mental illness. Many ACTT clients have been given the diagnosis of schizophrenia, which is a challenging condition that sometimes makes it difficult to tell what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others and complete daily tasks. The team helps out with whatever the client identifies as a need, such as managing medication, trips to their family doctor and having a supportive ear whenever they need it.

Our team, which includes a psychiatrist, peer support worker, nurses, social workers, mental health worker and an occupational therapist, works collaboratively seven days a week to provide this community-based support.

5th Floor Gilgan Family Wing
Tel: 416-530-6130
Fax: 416-530-6363

Referrals can be made by completing an access point application.

The Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Program at St. Joseph’s includes a six-bed inpatient unit, an outpatient day hospital, an urgent care clinic and a perinatal Father’s Mental Health Service.

The Child and Adolescent Program offers a wide range of services for children under the age of 19. These include crisis support in case of emergencies, urgent care follow-ups, inpatient hospitalization, outpatient day hospital, transitional support to community services and time-limited individual outpatient services.

Our care team includes:

  • Child and youth counsellor
  • Section 23 Toronto Catholic District School Board teacher
  • Psychiatrists
  • Social workers
  • Mental health nurses
  • Clerical staff
  • Learners and trainees in various disciplines

3rd Floor Our Lady of Mercy building
Fax: 416-530-6393
8 am to 4 pm

Fathers’ Mental Health and Assessment

Our Fathers’ Mental Health Assessment and Treatment Service offers a consultation and treatment service for expecting and new fathers, as well as fathers with young children. This service provides a comprehensive outpatient assessment on a consultative basis. The assessment process may include a telephone intake interview followed by an assessment by a psychiatrist. For more information please visit www.fathersmentalhealth.com.


Inpatient Unit

Our Inpatient Unit provides interprofessional assessment and treatment by nursing, child and youth workers, social workers and psychiatrists. With most of our patients living at home with their families, our intensive program focuses on patient and family-centered care approaches. Inpatient admissions address crisis stabilization, medication initiation or management, risk mitigation through daily interdisciplinary assessments, structured group therapy, individual psychotherapy and family therapy.

In order to ensure our patients transition smoothly back into the community, we work with the Toronto Catholic District School Board to provide a Section 23 classroom to allow our inpatients to continue their studies in hospital and not add to the stress of recovery by falling significantly behind in their academics.

Outpatient Unit

Our Outpatient Day Hospital Program focuses on admission avoidance and reduction of re-admissions. This program is also partnered with the Toronto District School Board and provides an outpatient Section 23 classroom for our day hospital patients. Our outpatient urgent care clinic is psychiatrist-run and referrals come from our inpatient and mental health emergency services teams.

The day hospital allows inpatients to transition to outpatient services by providing educational and mental health support. A psychiatrist and social worker will follow day hospital patients with the goal of helping them reintegrate into their school and community. The day hospital only receives referrals from the inpatient program as well as referrals from within St. Joseph’s.

Our outpatient services provide education, motivation and support and provide links to community resources and treatment services, empowering individuals to make healthy lifestyle changes. Our outpatient programs include:

  • Community Withdrawal Management
  • Continuing Care Group
  • Day Withdrawal Program

The MHESU provides immediate assistance to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Emergency and crisis services are available to anyone who presents to the Emergency Department who may be experiencing an acute episode of mental health or psychiatric distress. Patients are assessed through the Emergency Department and unfortunately we cannot provide counselling services over the phone.

The team in MHESU includes physicians, clinical social workers, registered nurses, psychiatric assistants, as well as a variety of support personnel. Pre-admission assessment and screening is provided for individuals who may require voluntary or involuntary hospitalization, or who may require either outpatient-based crisis stabilization or inpatient crisis stabilization.

Services include:

  • Assessment
  • Crisis Intervention and stabilization
  • Brief counselling
  • Short-term critical stress management

Ground Floor Glendale wing
416-530-6000 ext. 3973
Fax: 416-530-3194

Our clinics offers treatments for people who suffer from depression and other mental health conditions when medication has not worked. These treatments include Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).


rTMS is a non-invasive treatment to help with major depressive episodes in either major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. rTMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate parts of the brain that help control impulses, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. With repeated treatments, the magnetic pulses change the activity of the brain cells (neurons) and the pathways between brain cells, improving brain function. rTMS is well tolerated and does not affect memory, attention, concentration or intellectual function. rTMS is available thanks to a generous donation from the Slaight Family Foundation. If medications are not working for your depression, talk to your primary care provider or psychiatrist about rTMS treatment.

For more information, read our patient handout on rTMS or contact our clinic:

Location: 5th Floor Gilgan Family Wing; Room 5G-122
Phone: 416-530-6591
Fax: 416-530-6076
E-mail: rTMSClinic@unityhealth.to

If you are the primary treating doctor (family doctor, nurse practitioner or psychiatrist) complete this referral form and fax or e-mail it to us.


ECT is a treatment that helps with depression or psychosis when medication has not worked. ECT is also used for catatonia and other mental health conditions. ECT uses a small dose of electricity to cause a safe seizure under general anesthesia (medicine that puts you into “a deep sleep” to improve brain functioning and mental wellbeing.

Note: This treatment is currently available for patients who have been admitted. In the fall of 2023, ECT will be offered to our outpatient services as well. ECT treatment is fully covered under Ontario Health Insurance (OHIP).

The RBC Mental Health Short Stay & Transitional Aged Youth Unit (MHSSU-TAY) provides age-appropriate and therapeutic services for young adults, aged 19 to 25, who are making the transition from adolescent to adult care. Patients in this age group are assessed through the Emergency Department and Mental Health Emergency Services Unit (MHESU) and may be transferred to the MHSSU-TAY if it’s determined that they would benefit from a short inpatient stay for mental health treatment and stabilization. Unfortunately we cannot provide counselling services over the phone.

Current programming on the unit includes group sessions focused on distress tolerance, coping strategies, mindfulness and emotional regulation. Sessions are meant to encourage recovery, socialization and skill building in this transitional-aged youth population.

Seventh floor (7G)
416-530-6000 ext. 4479
Fax: 416-530-6000 ext. 6201

Residential Withdrawal Management Services

Designed to promote wellness and recovery from substance abuse in a residential setting, Unity Health Toronto, St. Joseph’s site offers a voluntary non-medical withdrawal management facility that operates 24/7. Located at 85 Glendale Avenue, on the northwest corner of the campus and accessible via the Emergency Department driveway, this service is available to clients of all genders. Our team includes Addiction Service Workers, a Registered Nurse, a Nurse Practitioner, Unit Service Aides and a Unit Secretary. We provide a robust withdrawal management service that is trauma informed and person-centered. Services we offer include:

  • Substance use assessment
  • Intoxication, withdrawal, and overdose monitoring and management
  • Crisis intervention and management
  • Counselling
  • Linkage to community resources
  • Psycho-educational Groups
  • Health promotion
  • Goal setting
  • Treatment planning and support
  • Harm reduction education
    • Naloxone kits, safer injection and safer inhalation kits upon discharge
  • Auricular acupuncture

To access a non-medical Residential Withdrawal Management Service, please call Central Access: 1-866-366-9513

Day and Community Withdrawal Management Services

Unity Health Toronto, St. Joseph’s site offers day and community withdrawal management services designed to promote wellness and recovery from substance use.

Our day withdrawal management service offers short-term group therapy for people who use substances. This program is currently offered online, Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm via Zoom. Clients can register for this program through Coordinated Access: 1-855-505-5045

Our community withdrawal management services support clients who require short-term community case management, resourcing, and/or counselling. Clients who may be eligible for this time-limited case management service offered Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm are screened through our residential withdrawal management programs.

Mental Health & Addictions at St. Michael's Hospital

In partnership with several community organizations, St. Michael’s Mental Health and Addiction Service offers treatment, counseling and evidence-based treatments to promote personal recovery from mental illness.

We take a unique, interdisciplinary approach to addictions by integrating evidence-based addiction medicine and psychiatry principles into our treatment plans. Including addiction experts from family medicine, psychiatry, internal medicine and emergency medicine as well as registered nurses, addictions case workers, nurse practitioners and peer support specialists with lived addiction experience, our day-to-day clinical team treats addictions of all kinds.

As part of the program, we offer addictions groups to help individuals look at both mental health and substance use problems. The Addiction Team wants to engage with you even if you’re unsure of your goal or what your needs are, so please feel free to reach out at any time.

Central Access Phone Service

Central Access is a phone service that individuals can call to self-refer to Residential Withdrawal Management Services (WMS) within the City of Toronto. By calling this number, clients can speak to an addictions community case worker who will help complete the screening process and connect them to one of the five WMS locations in Toronto.


Monday-Sunday 8 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. (including holidays)

Coordinated Access to Addictions Services

Coordinated Access to Addictions Services is a central number that individuals, family members and community agencies can call for guidance and referrals to substance abuse support services within the City of Toronto. By calling this number, clients can speak to an addictions counselor who will help them find the appropriate level of care for their needs.

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Day and Community Withdrawal Management Services

Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s site offers day and community withdrawal management services designed to promote wellness and recovery from substance use.

Our day withdrawal management service offers short-term group therapy for people who use substances. This program is currently offered online, Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. via Zoom. Clients can register for this program through Coordinated Access: 1-855-505-5045

Our community withdrawal management services support clients who require short-term community case management, resourcing, and/or counselling. Clients who may be eligible for this time-limited case management service offered Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. are screened through our residential withdrawal management programs.

My Baby & Me (Perinatal & Addictions Clinic)

My Baby & Me is a drop-in prenatal clinic designed to support individuals using substances in pregnancy. The clinic is open every Monday afternoon, no appointment or referral needed, and individuals are able to see both an obstetrician and addictions medicine specialist in the same visit. Meals, transportation, and other instrumental supports, as well as social work and counselling, are also provided. The clinic also offers on the spot ultrasound screening, blood work, sexual health testing, and access to harm reduction care.

Our clinic embraces a trauma-informed and flexible approach. There is no age or catchment requirement to access services at the clinic.

Every Monday from 1-3:30 p.m.

61 Queen St E, 4th floor
Fax: 416-867-3742

For more information or to reach the clinic Social Worker directly, please contact Jasmine Saleh at: jasmine.saleh@unityhealth.to / 437-288-8377.

Pathways Clinic

Pathways is an outpatient care clinic focused on assessment and care of people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Assessment and care is provided through a multi-disciplinary team comprising nursing, case management, peer support and psychiatrists. The clinic provides sub-specialty psychiatric care focused on identifying and diagnosing mental health disorders occurring in the context of substance use disorders. The clinic offers time limited individual and group supports for up to one year with the goal of mental health and addiction stability and referral to long term community care. Patients will be seen by referral by physicians or nurse practitioners only. Referrals from St. Michael’s RAAM must have had two RAAM visits and confirmed to be RAAM clinic patients.


  • To access this service a referral form must be completed by a physician and faxed to 416-864-5480.

St. Michael’s Hospital
17 Cardinal Carter South

Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine Clinic (RAAM)

The RAAM is an urgent care drop-in service for people with substance use disorder. We offer medications for withdrawal and alcohol craving (e.g. Naltrexone) or opiate agonist therapy (e.g. methadone or Suboxone). If you have already been started on methadone or Suboxone you will have to return to your original prescribing doctor.

17 CC Cardinal Carter Wing
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Residential Withdrawal Management Services

Designed to promote wellness and recovery from substance use in a residential setting, Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s site offers two voluntary non-medical withdrawal management facilities that operate 24/7:

  • 333 Sherbourne Street, 5th and 6th floors (opened in May 2024 for clients who identify as men, consolidating the two existing sites at 135 Sherbourne Street and 16 Ossington Avenue)
  • 892 Dundas Street West (intended for clients who identify as women)

Clients who identify as non-binary, two-spirit and transgender are welcome at the site they feel most comfortable in.

Our team includes Human Services Counsellors, Community Case Workers, Registered Nurses, a Nurse Practitioner, and an Administrative Coordinator. We provide a robust withdrawal management service that is trauma informed and person-centered. Services we offer include:

  • Substance use assessment
  • Intoxication, withdrawal, and overdose monitoring and management
  • Crisis intervention and management
  • Counselling
  • Linkage to community resources
  • Health promotion
  • Goal setting
  • Treatment planning and support
  • Harm reduction education
    • Naloxone kits, safer injection and safer inhalation kits upon discharge
  • Psycho-educational groups

To access a non-medical Residential Withdrawal Management Service, please call Central Access: 1-866-366-9513

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Addictions Service at St. Michael’s offers a range of mental health services from consultation to ongoing follow-up and treatment coordination for children ages five to 17. We do not offer an inpatient mental health service for children at St. Michael’s.

The services we offer include:

  • Outpatient consultation and follow-up clinic
  • Collaborative care to the department of pediatrics at St. Michael’s
  • Consultation as requested to St. Michael’s Family Health Teams, Medical Psychiatry, and Urgent Care Program
  • Consultation as required to other children’s mental health agencies as requested

The service supports children and youth who have a wide variety of needs for treatment of anxiety, mood, neurodevelopmental disorders or oppositional, impulsive-control or disruptive behaviours.

The service is primarily a psychiatry consultation process for diagnostic clarification, medication treatment, and direction to community agencies that can provide counselling, child and youth services or social worker support.

For more information, please call: 416-864-5120.


  • To access the service, a patient referral form must be completed by a physician and faxed to 416-864-5480.


This program is collaboration between St. Michael’s, Inner City Health Associates and Toronto North Support Services with the aim of connecting homeless people to health supports including primary and psychiatric care, peer support and case management. Fax a referral form to the CATCH Office at 416-864-5467 or call 1-877-482-4595 to learn more.

Community Connections Case Management program

This team of psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and occupational therapists provides intensive case management services for people living with serious mental illness, substance abuse issues or homelessness. Individuals must be referred by St. Michael’s Hospital Mental Health and Addictions Services.


Our team of psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, peer support specialists, psychologist and case managers offer community based services and supports to people living with serious mental illnesses in partnership with Cota Health. Learn more at theaccesspoint.ca. Patients may also be referred by their psychiatrist within the Mental Health and Addictions Services.

Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Program (GMHOP)

GMHOP provides specialized outreach consultation, assessment and follow-up services to older adults with mental health needs and complex behavioural problems living in long term care homes in Toronto’s inner city. Individuals must be referred by a designated long term care home. For more information please call 416-864-5120.

Project Dignify

Project Dignify is a multidisciplinary intensive case management team that provides psychogeriatric care to older adults (60 and above) who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness and who have a mental health diagnosis. The team’s goal is to meet clients’ complex needs with support to find and maintain housing, to access geriatric psychiatric care, and to improve their psychological and social well-being.  Referrals can be made using the Project Dignify referral form.

The Starting Treatment Early for Psychosis Service (STEPS)

This early intervention in psychosis program is designed to offer treatment and supports to youth experiencing signs and symptoms of a first episode of psychosis. Learn more at theaccesspoint.ca. Patients may also be referred by their psychiatrist within the Mental Health and Addictions Services.

The Inpatient Program at St. Michael’s is a 33-bed unit for adults aged 18 years and older suffering from serious mental illness and/or experiencing a crisis. Our interdisciplinary team includes physicians, nurses, peer support specialists, social workers, occupational therapists and a mental health pharmacist.

The unit creates a safe and therapeutic 24-hour environment for patients, while the team provides treatment using modalities like psychiatric care, pharmacological treatment, supportive therapy, primary nursing and group activities.

17th Floor Cardinal Carter Wing

The Interventional Psychiatry Program at St. Michael’s Hospital aims to define best treatment and care for people with mood and co-morbid disorders through innovative research and knowledge translation. The program has a focus on offering novel /emerging treatments including technology-enabled treatments for Mood and other Disorders.

The treatments offered by the Interventional Psychiatry program include Psychopharmacology (e.g., IV ketamine/other anesthetic agents), Neurostimulation (e.g., ECT, rTMS, emerging neurostimulation modalities) and Digital Therapeutics (e.g., mobile-based monitoring and interventions). Our interdisciplinary program collaborates closely with anesthesia, imaging, informatics, neurology and neurosurgery to offer these emerging treatments, and our research program aims to understand treatment response with these emerging treatments. By integrating clinical care and research with education and knowledge translation, we strive to create a stronger investment in mental healthcare and ultimately improve health policy and clinical practice.

For further information on the Interventional Psychiatry program, visit stmichaelshospitalresearch.ca.


To access St. Michael’s Mental Health Interventional Psychiatry program, a referral form must be completed by a family physician and faxed to 416-864-5480.

Interventional Program Referral Form

Information for referring providers:

  • A physician or nurse practitioner referral is required (self-referral is not accepted)
  • It is preferred that the referral comes from the treating psychiatrist or physician
  • The referring physician must accept care after patient has completed time-limited treatments offered within the Interventional Psychiatry Program
  • This program is not catchment specific
  • This referral form is for the Interventional Psychiatry Program only – for all other referrals, please use the general St. Michael’s referral form for Ambulatory Mental Health and Addictions Services

FAQ About Ketamine

What is ketamine?

Ketamine is a medicine that was developed as an anesthetic to block pain during surgery. It has been used this way for the last 50 years and is safe and effective. It is on the World Health Organization’s list of Essential Medications as an anesthetic.

Over the last 20 years, ketamine has been examined in smaller doses to treat psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD) in individuals who have not responded well to conventional treatments. Several short-term studies have shown that ketamine is effective for people with treatment resistant depression however there are limited long-term studies completed at this time. Compared to another drug or no drug at all, ketamine reduces the following in the short-term:

  • Reduces depressive symptoms
  • Reduces thoughts of suicide

How does ketamine work to improve depression?

Ketamine is thought to impact neurotransmitters in the brain including glutamate. Research suggests that these changes improve mood and thinking, which are impacted by depression.

Who is eligible for ketamine treatment?

To be eligible for ketamine treatment you must:

  • Have a primary diagnosis of moderate to severe depression
  • Have tried other forms of treatment (medications, psychotherapy, brain stimulation), but they have not helped you
  • Have a referral from your doctor

You are not eligible for ketamine treatment if you have an active substance use disorders or have symptoms of psychosis.

Who should not get ketamine?

You should not get ketamine if:

  • You suffer from psychotic disorders or have psychotic symptoms
  • You have an active substance use disorder or are on maintenance treatment for a substance use disorder
  • You have high blood pressure that is not well controlled or other serious medical conditions
  • You have symptoms from a traumatic brain injury
  • You have a hypersensitivity to the ketamine drug

Do I have to pay for this treatment?

No, there is no cost to you to receive this treatment, which includes 6 sessions.

How is ketamine given?

Our program uses intravenous ketamine (through an IV line). While ketamine can also be given in other ways, giving ketamine through an IV has been studied the most and shows the most benefit so far. If you have significant improvement after one series of the IV treatment, you could be considered for use of other forms of ketamine for maintenance therapy. Our program does not cover the costs of the other forms of ketamine for maintenance therapy.

What dose of ketamine will be used?

The most common dose is 0.5 mg/kg infused over 40 minutes. Your psychiatrist will decide if you need a different dose.

How many sessions of treatment will I need?

You will receive your IV ketamine treatment 2 times per week for 3 weeks. In total, you will receive 6 treatments over 3 weeks.

How effective is the treatment?

About one third of patients have significant improvement (their depressive symptoms largely go away) by the end of one series of IV treatments. About one third of patients do not improve with ketamine treatment. The other third usually have some improvement.

How quickly does IV ketamine treatment begin to work?

You may feel the effects within a few hours to 24 hours of a single treatment, however it often takes a few days to feel better. It has been shown that benefits improve with repeated treatments.

How long do the effects of repeated doses of ketamine last?

We do not know this with certainty. Here is what research has shown so far for patients who have significant improvement:

  • After a single treatment of IV ketamine, effects can appear within a few hours, peak at 24 hours after the treatment, and often remain for at least 1 week.
  • After repeated treatments, the effects can be longer. People remain well between several days to several months. Some people remain well for longer periods of time.
  • People could maintain the benefits with more doses of ketamine or with other treatments (for example other medications, psychotherapy, or neurostimulation). Please note that we don’t currently have enough research about the best ways to maintain benefits following one series of IV treatments. At this time, booster treatments or maintenance with other forms of ketamine are not covered by OHIP.

What are the side effects of ketamine and what should I do if I have them?

The doses of ketamine that are used for depression are much lower than the dose used for anesthesia. This makes it quite safe and side effects are usually limited. Any side effects usually appear within 2 hours of infusion and go away between 4 to 24 hours afterwards.

The most common short term side effects of ketamine used for this purpose include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Anxiety
  • A sense of dissociation (feeling disconnected from yourself or surroundings)
  • Increased blood pressure and increased heart rate

These symptoms appear during treatment and disappear shortly afterwards on their own. We can provide treatment for nausea during the infusion. We will monitor for these symptoms throughout the treatment.

If you have side effects more than 24 hours after your treatment, or the side effects are getting worse:

  • Contact our office at 416-864-3920 during business hours
  • Or go to your nearest emergency department

Are there any long-term side effects?

Short-term ketamine use (in lower doses for a limited number of treatments) has the side-effects listed previously, however there is limited literature on long-term side-effects. If you are considering maintenance treatments for a longer period of time, speak to your doctor about potential side effects.

Can I continue taking my antidepressant while getting ketamine treatment?

Ketamine treatment is safe to receive when taking most antidepressants. Some studies suggest that ketamine treatment may not work as well if you are also taking benzodiazepines and NMDA receptor antagonists. Your psychiatrist will review your medications to decide if ketamine treatment is right for you.

Do I need a referral for ketamine treatment?

Yes, you need a referral from your regular doctor. Our program does not provide long-term follow-up after completion of the IV ketamine treatments. You will need to follow-up with your doctor for ongoing care.

For more information

Talk to your doctor if you want more information about ketamine IV treatments.

The Medical Psychiatry program at St. Michael’s provides psychiatric consults to all the medical, surgical and subspecialty floors and outpatient clinics. We also provide follow up of patients upon discharge, if needed.

In addition to working within the St. Michael’s Mental Health and Addictions Service, we provide care through integrated clinics for patients living with conditions like HIV, head injury, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and more who also have mental health concerns. We also have a Memory Clinic where we provide comprehensive assessment and follow-up for older adults experiencing changes in memory and cognition.

Our team includes:

  • Medical psychiatrists
  • Geriatric psychiatrist
  • Clinical nurse specialist

The services we offer include:

  • Comprehensive interprofessional psychiatric assessment
  • Diagnosis information for patients and caregivers
  • Treatment recommendations and medication monitoring
  • Links to appropriate community support services
  • Short-term psychosocial interventions
  • Psychiatric care through the Ontario Telemedicine Network

17th Floor Cardinal Carter Wing
Fax: 416-864-3091


The Mental Health Emergency Service Area (MHESA), located in St. Michael’s Emergency Department, are available 24 hours a day. We offer psychiatric assessments, triage, crisis intervention and stabilization of clients experiencing a mental health or addictions-related crisis. No referral is necessary to come to the St. Michael’s Emergency Department, however access to the MHESA is by referral from the hospital Emergency Department. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, you will be seen by the emergency nurses and doctors, who will notify the crisis intervention service as required.

Emergency Department, 30 Bond St.

Collaborative Care Program

The Collaborative Care program offers mental health assessment and treatment recommendations for patients within the St. Michael’s Family Health Team. Embedded psychiatrists across five clinical locations (61 Queen Family Practice Unit, Health Centre at 80 Bond, St. Lawrence Health Centre, Sumac Creek Health Centre and Wellesley – St. James Town Health Centre) work within a multidisciplinary team of family physicians, social workers and psychologists to support comprehensive mental health service delivery.

This program is only available to patients registered with the St. Michael’s Family Health Team.

Mental Health Assessment Clinic

The clinic offers mental health assessments to diagnose and provide treatment recommendations for patients aged 18 or older living in southeast Toronto. If indicated, short-term follow-up for medication management and time-limited group psychotherapy options are available for patients referred to the clinic. This consultative and time-limited model enables the referring source to access specialized mental health services for their patients and receive recommendations to manage the presenting mental health issue after patients complete their care in the clinic. St. Michael’s Hospital is a University of Toronto (UofT) affiliated academic health centre and multidisciplinary health professions, including psychiatry residents and health professional trainees, are part of this mental health service.

For more information, please call 416-864-5120.


  • To access this service a referral form must be completed by a physician and faxed to 416-864-5480.

Urgent Care Program

The Urgent Care Program (UCP) at St. Michael’s Hospital provides timely outpatient mental health care for patients up to three months after they have been discharged from the Mental Health Emergency Service Area or an inpatient admission at St. Michael’s Hospital. The UCP offers outpatient psychiatric follow-up for medication management and stabilization of the acute mental health issue. Allied health-care professionals are part of the UCP team and support patients to connect to mental health services in the community or to return to care with their family physicians.

For more information, please call 416-864-5120.

Mental Health & Addictions at Providence Healthcare

Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic

A Geriatric Psychiatrist provides assessment, consultation and treatment to geriatric individuals who may have a mental health issue, a dementia syndrome, behavioural or psychosocial issues. Consultation typically occurs in the on-site clinic setting, however home visits may be arranged for homebound individuals as needed.

3276 St Clair Ave E.


  • Referral by physician only.

As of April 1, 2021, St. Michael’s Foundation amalgamated with Providence Healthcare Foundation and all receipts will be issued by St. Michael’s Foundation.

We are pleased to let you know that your donation will go directly to the organization and priority that you have designated.

Last updated January 29, 2025