Visitor Information
Welcome to Unity Health Toronto. Our mission at Unity Health is to provide compassionate physical, emotional and spiritual care to all in need. We recognize family members and loved ones are important to the healing and overall well-being of patients.
The following information applies to all three Unity Health Toronto hospitals: St. Joseph’s Health Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital and Providence Healthcare. The Houses of Providence Long-term Care Home has its own visitor and family presence policies.
Visiting hours
Regular visiting hours: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Quiet hours: 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Visiting patients staying in the hospital
- Each inpatient (admitted patient) can have two (2) visitors at a time during regular visiting hours.
- During quiet hours, one (1) person can request to visit the patient. Learn more.
- Children (12 and under) must have an adult with them.
- There is no limit to visitors for patients who are palliative or near death.
In some situations, our inpatient units may need to change the visiting guidelines or restrict visiting. We may also restrict visiting if there are concerns about the spread of infections. If there is a change, the inpatient teams will let you know as soon as possible.
Coming with a patient to outpatient areas (clinics, day surgery, diagnostic imaging, labs)
- Each patient may have one (1) person with them.
- Space in our waiting rooms is limited. Patients get first priority, and visitors can stay if there is space. We may ask visitors to wait outside, if needed.
Coming with a patient to the emergency department
- Each patient can have one (1) person with them in the waiting area.
- If admitted to a room in the emergency department, each patient can have up to two (2) visitors at one time.
Visiting residents in the Houses of Providence
Learn more on the Long-Term Care page of our website.
Visitor guidelines
Before visiting, please read the following information to keep everyone safe and comfortable during your visit.
Health and safety
- Do not visit the hospital if you are feeling sick or unwell, or have any of these symptoms:
- vomiting or diarrhea
- fever
- cough or shortness of breath
- conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- runny or stuffy nose
- Wash your hands. Learn more.
- Follow current masking guidelines within the hospital.
- Do not use patient or resident washrooms. Use visitor washrooms only.
- Follow signage on doors and wear protective equipment when staff ask you to (e.g. gloves, gowns, face shields, masks).
Unity Health is a smoke-free, vape-free and scent-free environment. We ask that visitors do not wear personal scented products while at our hospitals (perfumes, body sprays, essential oils, etc.). Smoking and vaping is not allowed within 9 metres of all entrances.
Latex balloons are not allowed in the hospital, as some people may have severe allergic reactions. Visitors may bring Mylar or plastic film balloons to the hospital.
We discourage flowers being sent to patients due to the potential for patients, visitors and staff having allergic reactions.
Help us maintain an environment that helps with healing and patient care:
- Keep noise to a minimum to avoid disturbing others.
- Be polite, courteous and considerate of others.
- Respect the dignity and privacy of other patients.
- Treat the facility with care and respect.
- Follow staff instructions promptly and respectfully.
Visitors who show disruptive behaviour may not be able to visit.
Prohibited behaviour
Visitors will be asked to leave for any of the following reasons:
- Their behaviour poses a risk or threat to patients, families or staff.
- They are being disrespectful and inconsiderate of others.
- They are actively using street drugs, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking or vaping.
- They use disruptive or discriminatory language.
- They show signs or symptoms of communicable illness.
- They are unable to follow infection control practices.
- Visitors may also be asked to leave if they do not to supervise the children who visit with them.
Abusive, harassing, discriminatory and violent behaviour will not be tolerated.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Quiet hours are a period of reduced noise and activity to support rest and healing. We rely on everyone to create a restful environment during quiet hours. Inpatients can request to have one (1) visitor present during quiet hours. It will be up to the discretion of the care team if it is possible to support this due to physical space and the needs of other patients. The one (1) family member should remain the same person and not change overnight.
Note: this does not apply to patients who are palliative/end-of-life. Please speak with the care team for further information for palliative/end-of-life patients.
Exceptions may be made in rare circumstances. Please speak to the clinical team caring for your loved one to learn more.
If you are coming to visit, review the visitor guidelines included on this page.
Key things to help you prepare:
- If you are feeling unwell, you should not visit.
- Before coming, review the site’s entrance information.
- At our entrances, you will need to self-screen and sanitize your hands.
- Follow current masking guidelines within the hospital.
Find information about current masking guidelines within the hospital before your visit.
You can find more information on how to prevent the spread of infections here.
Yes. However, the hospital is not responsible for any belongings. For more information on food guidelines in the hospital, review the information on the last page of this document about preventing the spread of infection.
Last updated November 01, 2024