Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

E-blast previous issues

“Did you know….” is your weekly installment e-update from your Primary Care Team at Downtown East Toronto region.

For more information or to receive further information on any program or service, please reach to Dorothy Wedel, Project Manager for the Downtown East Toronto region at Dorothy.Wedel@unityhealth.to, or 416-867-7460 ext. 48372.

October 29, 2021

Here is the updated list of Free or low cost dental resources in the Toronto Region. This list includes changes in the details of services or links to the resources since the last time we shared it a couple of years ago. The interactive content page allows for quick navigation to each resource. The document is suitable for use in your practices, or printing individual pages to share with your patients.

October 18, 2021

Please see vaccine resources below and attached for your patients (flu, COVID, routine):

Flu vaccine

  • The Ontario Government Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Service (OGPMSS) began auto-shipments of influenza vaccine the week of October 12, 2021, one week later than expected, deliveries will continue to arrive on your site’s scheduled days. Contact OGPMSS customer service at 416-327-0837 or moh@ontario.ca

COVID vaccine

COVID vaccine for children

  • NEW: Preparation for COVID-19 vaccination of 5-11 year olds – Although Health Canada has not yet received COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy data, TPH has established a 5-11 year old COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Group to prepare for vaccination of this cohort of approximately 200,000 children. The Ministry of Health anticipates that vaccination will likely begin in early winter and the target is to complete first doses over a period of four weeks. Equitably distributed points of vaccination will be available across Toronto, including physicians’ practices, city-run clinics, mobile clinics, school clinics, and possibly pharmacies.

TPH recommends:

  • If you are not providing COVID-19 vaccines in your office and have children aged 5-11 years old in your practice, please sign up now to become a COVID-19 vaccine provider using the TPH COVID-19 Primary Care Vaccine Program Enrollment Request Form. Sign up is quick, supports are available, and many patients have indicated that they got vaccinated because their health care provider recommended it. Discuss COVID-19 vaccination with patients and their parents.

More information:

Routine vaccines

  • Grade 7/8 vaccines at city clinics (missed Grade 7 school vaccines or catch up doses of Hep B, HPV and meningitis), book though the TPH booking platform for anyone living in Toronto.
  • Jan 2021 The Ontario Ministry of Health has published updates to the Ontario Publicly Funded Immunization Schedules. Updated versions of the Ontario Publicly Funded Immunization Schedules have now been posted in both English and French. See full list  or printable short list that can be used as poster.


July 16, 2021

Please see program update below for Rapid Access Clinic for low back pain.

In summary:

View a two-minute video describing updated, simplified overview of the program:


  • Download referral form
  • St. Michael’s Hospital site is seeing patients in person and virtually (in approx. 2-3 weeks)


The Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain is pleased to announce meaningful updates to the RAC Low Back Program. Our operations team has responded to PCP feedback and removed multiple barriers to PCP onboarding and referrals.

Any outstanding PCPs with intentions of registering with the RAC program will be happy to learn the following:

Historically, PCPs had to submit email requests to access the onboarding module, which was inconvenient and time consuming.

  • Our updated onboarding module only requires five minutes to complete.

Previous modules required 10-20 minutes.

Previously, these forms were controlled by central intake to avoid misuse by unregistered PCPs.  This was a significant barrier, causing delays and inconveniences when forms were misplaced.

The St. Michael’s Hub continues to see patients in-person and virtually within standard wait times (2-3 weeks).

We also have access to St. Michael’s pain intervention through Dr. David Sussman, and ortho/neurosurgeon access with our surgeon sponsors – Dr. Henry Ahn, Dr. Christopher Witiw, and Dr. Jefferson Wilson.

Best regards,

Dr. Andrew Bigness, BSc, DC, ACPAC
Practice Lead/Advanced Practice Practitioner
Rapid Access Clinic – Low Back Pain/ISAEC
St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto

June 1, 2021

Dear DET Primary Care Colleagues,

We are preparing to resume the “Did you Know” series of e-blasts for primary care, which have been on hold due to the volume of communications related to COVID-19, as well as the transition from LHINs to Ontario Health Teams. The Downtown East Toronto Family Physician Network (DET-FPN) will be resuming DET primary care e-blasts to inform primary care providers about important system resources, which can improve both the patient’s care and the provider’s experience.

Today’s e-blast relates to streamlining the specialist referral process. The Division of General Surgery at St Michael’s has a helpful common referral form that allows referring physicians to select either a specific surgeon or a “first available” option for all of the sub-specialties in general surgery. This allows for referrals to be sent where there is the most capacity. As non-urgent and non-emergent surgeries and procedures are now gradually resuming in the province, we felt it was a good time to share this referral form with you.

Please see the two attachments:

May 26, 2021

Important message sent on behalf of Drs. Lisa Del Giudice and Ed Kucharski, Regional Primary Care Leads, Toronto Central Regional Cancer Program

Dear colleagues,

On April 1, 2021, the Lung Cancer Screening Pilot for People at High Risk officially transitioned to the Ontario Lung Screening Program (OLSP).

The OLSP is an organized lung cancer screening program that is currently available in four regions in Ontario. In Toronto, the OLSP is available at the University Health Network (UHN). Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) is planning to add more OLSP sites across the province in the future.

People may qualify for referral if they meet the following inclusion criteria:

  • 55 to 74 years old, and
  • A current or former smoker who smoked cigarettes every day for at least 20 years (not necessarily 20 years in a row, which means there could be times when they did not smoke)

Once a participant is referred, the Screening Navigator will conduct a risk assessment by telephone with the potential participant to determine their eligibility for lung screening.

Not everyone who meets the referral criteria will be eligible for lung cancer screening. It is important to tell your patient that they may not end up being eligible.

Please find attached the following OLSP resources:

For more information, please click here or call the OLSP at UHN at 416-340-4154.

April 17, 2020

The Centre for Effective Practice has developed a resource tool to assist providers in assessment and testing, management, operations, PPE, infection protocol, and other areas impacting primary care due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updates on vaccinations and medication related to COVID-19


Routine pediatric vaccinations should continue to be offered to prevent serious childhood infections such as pneumococcal disease, measles and pertussis during COVID-19.

Accurate health records should be maintained to ensure follow-up for any missed vaccines for children who may miss doses in school-based programs due to school closure.

In general, if a vaccine series is delayed, the series does not need to be restarted. It is recommended to finish the series in the near future once COVID-19 issues have resolved since maximum protection may not occur until the vaccine series has been completed. The only exceptions are for cholera, travelers’ diarrhea vaccine and the rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis where doses should not be delayed.

Injectable medications

For some specific injectable medications, a short delay in medication administration may be acceptable without impact to their efficacy (e.g. Prolia may be delayed for about 4 weeks without significant impact to bone mineral density markers). See guidelines at the Royal Osteoporosis Society: Coronavirus and osteoporosis.

However, this is specific to each medication. Please consider consulting pharmacy if you have questions about delaying an injectable medication or changing the frequency of administration or formulation of a medication e.g. changing an injectable antipsychotic to an oral antipsychotic.

Information for health-care professionals regarding inhaler shortages

Due to increased demand for inhalers in March 2020, there is now a nationwide shortage of salbutamol. Restrictions have been put in place by wholesalers and distributors to limit the supply of salbutamol which means most patients will receive only one inhaler or a one month supply at a time.

The Canadian Thoracic Society has put out statements on mitigation strategies including advising patients to refill inhalers only when required and to save recently expired inhalers (within last six months).

March 17, 2020

On behalf of Dr. Curtis Handford, Primary Care Clinical Lead, Mid-East Toronto Sub-Region

Dear colleagues:

Yesterday we forwarded you an update from Unity Health Toronto which included information about their newly opened COVID-19 community assessment centres (CACs).

Linked below is a resource from Toronto Public Health that has been assembled listing all the assessment centres currently operational in the GTA.

We hope that it will be valuable to you as you help your patients navigate the COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 Assessment Centres in GTA

January 21, 2020

What is GeriMedRisk?

GeriMedRisk is a non-profit interdisciplinary geriatric pharmacology and psychiatry consultation service that supports physicians, pharmacists and nurse practitioners to optimize their older patients’ medications, physical and mental health.
What are the benefits of using GeriMedRisk?

  • Rapid access to an interdisciplinary team of geriatric specialists through phone andeConsult
  • Response within five business days
  • Pharmacy team conducts comprehensive best possible medication history
  • Consult letter and tailored geriatric drug information provided to enhance practice and professional development

How to consult

Provide the patient’s clinical information and reason for referral through any of the following:

  1. Telephone: Call toll-free 1 (855) 261-0508 between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  2. Ontario Telemedicine Network eConsult or Champlain BASE™ eConsult: select “GeriMedRisk”
  3. Fax: (519) 279-2959
  4. North Simcoe Muskoka Specialized Geriatric ServicesCentral Intake form

Clinical questions

We can answer any patient-related questions including and not limited to:

  • Troubleshooting complex physical and mental health conditions. This may be while the patient is awaiting in-person support from Specialized Geriatric Services
  • Optimizing medicationsor developing a deprescribingplan
  • Identifying drug interactions and adverse drug events
  • Providing information about drug-specific adverse drug events

For more information: www.gerimedrisk.com E: info@gerimedrisk.com T: 1-855-261-0508

November 28, 2019

Fracture clinic access at Toronto hospitals

Not all hospitals offer fracture clinic – Telephone call or referral required – no walk-ins accepted

Note: Fracture clinics are not for initial evaluation and stabilization of acute fractures.
This must be done at primary care or emergency department level as appropriate

Hospital Phone number Referral information
Humber River Hospital
1235 Wilson Ave.
Toronto, M3M 0B2
x 23000
Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
2.5 hrs for each a.m., p.m. clinic
Call to speak to ortho-on-call, will accept if space avail
Michael Garron Hospital
825 Coxwell Avenue
Toronto, M4C 3E7
Fax: 416-469-6424
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Wednesday, Thurs 8:30 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Referral triaged according to urgency
North York General Hospital
1st flr, West Lobby
4001 Leslie St., 1st flr
Toronto, M2K 1E1
Fax: 416-756-6502
Use referral form, only for minor fracture, splinting/casting
Located near the Information Desk
Scarborough Health Network
Birchmount Hospital
3030 Birchmount Rd.,
Scarborough, M1W 3W3
416-495-2557 Referrals/consultation not accepted from community physicians/NPs.Two ways to access clinic:

  1. Through ER d/t injury
  2. Apt scheduled by Ortho
Scarborough Health Network
General Hospital
3050 Lawrence Ave. E.,
Scarborough, M1P 2V5
416-431-8212 Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. -3 p.m.
Refer to individual Ortho to obtain appointment
Scarborough Health Network
Centenary Hospital
2867 Ellesmere Road, M1E 4B9
Fax: 416-281-7204
Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Avenue
Toronto, M5G 1X5
x 7989
Fax: 416-586-4769
Clinic hours vary. Refer by phone/fax.
Do not see hands, spinal fractures.
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
30 The Queensway
Toronto, M6R 1B5
Fax: 416-530-6691
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. -3 p.m.
Sat/Sun 7 -10 a.m. Main flr, near ER depart
*Not for fractures to finger, back, neck.
St. Michael’s Hospital
30 Bond Street
Toronto, M5B 1W8
Fax: 416-864-5612
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. -3 p.m.
Referral triaged by Ortho-on call, may be forwarded to more appropriate specialist, eg. Plastics, hand
Sunnybrook Hospital
2075 Bayview Avenue, CG15, C-wing, Toronto, M4N 3M5
Fax: 416-480-5389
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. -4 p.m.
Faxed referral triaged by Ortho-on-call
Located on the ground floor
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth St, M5G 2C4


Does not have a Fracture Clinic
All fracture Clinic pts seen at TWH
Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street
1st Floor, Fell Pavilion,
Toronto, M5T 2S8
416-603-5858 Referrals/consultation not accepted from community physicians/NPs. Two ways to access:

  1. Through ER d/t injury
  2. Follow up with Ortho surgeon
Women’s College Hospital
5th flr, 76 Grenville Street
Toronto, M5S 1B2
416-323-6400 Does not have a Fracture Clinic
Fax referral to individual orthopedic specialist to request a consult.

November 12, 2019

eConsult is a platform by which you can receive timely virtual advice from specialists.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about the OTN Toronto Specialist Directory.

“pre-log in” version of the directory with a subset of information is also accessible without login credentials. It is available through this link: https://directory-prelogin.otn.ca/

The full directory is accessible by primary care providers, specialists and their support staff with valid ONE ID or OTN credentials, through this link: https://directory.otn.ca/#/.

(Message from OTN follows)


Making it easier for you to access specialists in your region

Dear member,

We are pleased to share upcoming improvements to regionalization and workflow of the Ontario eConsult Service, which will be available on November 1, 2019.

Making it easier for you to access specialists in your region

Improving access to specialists is what the Ontario eConsult Service is all about. You will now have enhanced access to local specialists. This platform enhancement will help ensure your eConsults are sent to your preferred regional specialty groups, where available, through your identification of your Priority Regions.

When selecting Priority Regions, you’ll choose the regions that mirror your typical referral pathways. When using the BASE™ Managed Specialty option, your eConsult will be automatically directed to a specialty group in your selected regions when available. Where there is no specialty coverage in your region, your eConsults will be submitted to the Provincial BASE™ Managed Groups.
map of Ontario
Improving efficiency and functionality

This enhancement will also include:

  • Case Assignment Automation: enabling your questions to be seen by specialists as quickly as possible while also ensuring responses are still valuable and completed in a timely manner.
  • Improved Functionality and Ease of Access to eConsult Settings: access to your eConsult settings will now be conveniently located right in your eConsult dashboard.

The Ontario eConsult Service is a secure web-based tool that allows physicians or nurse practitioners timely access to specialist advice for all patients, often eliminating the need for an in-person specialist visit. You can send an eConsult today at OTNhub.ca.

If you have any questions or would like more information on the upcoming release, please contact OTN’s Customer Care team by phone at 1-855-654-0888 or by email at customercare@otn.ca.

If you have any general questions about the Ontario eConsult Service, please contact the Ontario eConsult Centre of Excellence at eConsultCOE@toh.ca, or for more information visit www.eConsultOntario.ca.

OTN and the Ontario eConsult Centre of Excellence

October 24, 2019

The St. Michael’s Family Medicine Obstetrics (FMOB) program consists of 14 family physicians with additional obstetrics and pediatrics expertise to offer family-based maternity care from pregnancy and beyond. Referring family doctors may receive support in following their own patients (until 20 weeks) or transfer care as soon as the pregnancy is diagnosed. Once care is transferred patients will have access to the call group offering 24 hour on-call coverage for medical and obstetrical issues. Appointments will be offered at one of six St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team (SMHAFHT) sites in a timely fashion; delivery will be at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Referrers need to indicate whether they wish to transfer care immediately or at approximately 20 weeks gestation, and also if they wish the FMOB group to continue care for mum and babe for six weeks post-partum or if preferred immediate transfer back to family physician upon delivery. The first visit to the assigned FMOB is typically at 20 weeks gestation. St. Michael’s FMOB offices will inform the patient and physician office of the appointment time. Consult letters will be provided to acknowledge the transfer of care, and coordination of care following delivery.

Download the referral form and submit by fax: 416-864-6051, attention Marija Kundacina.

Indicate if EDC is by LMP or dating U/S. Indicate if the referral is urgent for any reason.

For questions about the Family Medicine Obstetrics program call 416-867-3728, see St. Michael’s pre-natal care webpage

September 20, 2019

We are aware that there is often a need for OHIP-covered resources for the management of obesity. Below is a list of such resources that we have been able to pull together. We hope you find it useful.

Central referral services
Ontario Bariatric Network (OBN)
OHIP covered
Two locations in Toronto:

  • Humber River Hospital
    416-242-1000 ext. 23300
  • Toronto Western Hospital
    416-603-5800 x6145

Physician online referral through OBN

  • Ontario provides access to both a surgical and medical bariatric program funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) for residents of Ontario.
  • Patients will receive care from multiple disciplines which ensures that the weight loss is sustained, whether they choose surgery or the alternate medical management treatment.
  • Referral updates and status are available online. Referrals are processed within 24 hours.
  • Physicians must be registered with Ontario Bariatric Network to refer a patient.
Diabetes Care Connect
OHIP not required416-778-0676 ext. 242

Referrals by physician or patient

  • Obesity care within the context of diabetes related services; education for prediabetes and newly diagnosed diabetes patients, eye screening, chronic disease self-management, diabetes prevention.
Patient resources (no referral required, patient may call direct)
Telehealth Ontario
Dietitian services
OHIP not required1-866-797-0000
  • Registered dietitians can offer advice on food choices to enhance lives and improve health, offering expertise in diet in relation to health conditions like diabetes, gout or weight loss. A dietitian is available Monday – Friday, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • BMI calculator available online within link
  • www.Unlockfood.ca offers resources, meal planning tools and nutrition education
Additional referral options
The Wharton Clinic Weight and Diabetes Management
OHIP covered1833-962-5359
Fax 1-888-825-1505

Four locations:

  • Toronto – 402-658 Danforth Ave, M4J 5B9
  • St. Catherines – 203-180 Vine St, L2R 7P3
  • Stoney Creek – 2C-Upper Centennial Pkwy, L8J 3W2
  • Burlington – 2951 Walkers Line, Main Floor, L7M 4Y1

Physician referral required see link

  • For adults over 18 years, BMI >30; or BMI 27-30 with one comorbidity. Children’s program (Burlington location only) for 5-18 years, no BMI criteria. 
  • Community-based internal medicine weight management uses a multidisciplinary approach in long-term treatment of obesity. Each patient visit includes a small group education session by a bariatric educator, followed by their individual meeting with an internist and a bariatric educator.
  • Bariatric educators are trained nutritionists who provide individual sessions of education and dietary support with patients to assist in the assessment, development, implementation and evaluation of a patient’s weight management program. Food addiction counseling is also available and is covered by OHIP.
  • Consult notes will be faxed to referring physician after each visit.
WellOne – Dr. Sandy Van
OHIP covered103-18 Yonge St., M5E 1Z8
Fax: 647-740-7166

Physician referral required

link to referral form

  • For patients over 18 yrs, BMI >30 or BMI 27-30 with medical condition related to weight (sleep apnea, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension).
  • WellOne offers the ‘Lifestyle 360’ Program which includes cognitive behavioral therapy & medically supervised weight control (12 sessions, one time biweekly for 3 months, then monthly for the remaining months).
  • Each session length of time is dependent on progress; will review goals, provide dietary assessment, cognitive exercises, education on specific topics, and build new goals for subsequent sessions.
OHIP covered for medical counseling
Additional fees for dietitian, trainer201-7131 Bathurst St., Thornhill, L4J 7Z1
Toll-free: 1-844-636-3237
Email: info@weight2lose.ca
Fax: 416-636-3236
  • First visit will confirm medical information with family physician to ensure all the necessary information. (i.e. blood work, medical condition diagnosis, medications, etc.).
  • Services may include personalized meal planning for a wide range of scenarios (e.g. IBS, pregnancy, etc.) or personal fitness goals, health education, cognitive behavioral therapy, fitness program design, personal training (in a private studio setting or virtually via videoconferencing).
  • Sessions are offered weekly or bi-weekly until goal is reached, some sessions will schedule all multidisciplinary team members such as physician, trainer, and dietitian.
  • Cost of program will vary according to the options selected: medical counseling is covered by OHIP, nutritionist fees are additional and may be covered by private health insurance coverage, personal trainer fees are extra.
Data and resource materials
Obesity Canada
  • Online learning modules are available to enhance primary care provider obesity knowledge.
  • Handouts may be downloaded for care pathways or for patient use (diary, behavior change plan, goal work sheet)
  • Guidelines and tools for health-care professionals
  • Local Toronto chapter offers conventions and events
Public Health Ontario
  • Evidence briefs, reports, and resources available to download
  • Links to additional Ontario Public Health resources and external links

September 9, 2019

The Toronto Community Hepatitis C Program (TCHCP) is an innovative, community based, client-centered collaborative care model which provides hepatitis C virus support, education, and treatment to individuals living with or at risk of acquiring hepatitis C infection.

The program supports persons who have had difficulty accessing the mainstream health care system and would benefit from greater wrap around care during their hepatitis C treatment. TCHCP clients may be very low income or homeless/underhoused, have current or past substance use, have been incarcerated, are street-involved youth, have hepatitis C/HIV co-infection, or are indigenous. The service uses a harm reduction framework and a facilitated peer support model. The TCHCP has three partner sites: South Riverdale Community Health Centre, Regent Park Community Health Centre, and Sherbourne Health Centre. Referrals are accepted from individual providers and community agencies as well as from clients themselves. The shared care program consists of weekly treatment group sessions, counselling and case management, and peer support.

You can refer patients by calling 416-302-5675 or 647-327-2839, or by completing the Toronto Community Hepatitis C referral form.

August 16, 2019

Onboarding has recently become more streamlined, creating a less time-consuming, and easier experience than previously.

Secure communications services for primary care providers:


Access patient medical records to inform patient care.

  • The use of ConnectingOntario secure web application offers access to patient medical records located within OLIS (Ontario Laboratories Information System), ODB (Ontario Drub Benefit), HRM Program (Health Report Manager), and more.

ONE Mail

Secure email may be quicker and more reliable than fax for communicating patient care plan details.

  • This email service provides encrypted communication that allows the exchange of patient health information securely, facilitating coordination of patient care with health professionals who also use ONE Mail.


Physicians and nurse practitioners use a private and secure web portal to send a clinical question to a specialist and receive prompt advice in response.

  • The Ontario eConsult program enables timely and equitable access to specialist advice, and often eliminates the need to send patients for in-person specialist visits.

For registration or questions about secure communication services

Contact Charles Lee, practice advisor, OntarioMD, 416-457-2597 Charles.Lee@ontariomd.com

July 19, 2019

Toronto Diabetes Care Connect would like to ensure Mid-East Primary Care Providers are aware they have access to the Central Referral for diabetes management and diabetes-related supports within TC LHIN. You may visit TorontoDiabetesReferral.com to learn about the full suite of inter-professional services available for all patients and health care providers. A brief overview of services is available below.

For any questions, or further information, please contact the Regional Facilitator at Toronto Diabetes Care Connect, Lori Sutton, LSutton@srchc.com, or 416-778-0676 ext. 320.


Diabetes management, pre-diabetes, and prevention support:

Diabetes Management Teams (includes a nurse and dietitian) can provide ongoing support to you and your patients to help develop and manage individual care plans that include:

  • Decision support incorporating best practice recommendations and client’s situation considerations (e.g. regarding insulin/medication use, screenings, other services etc.)
  • Insulin start/stop and adjustments to dose using insulin order sets or medical directives
  • Teaching for self-monitoring, self-management, and healthy behaviour changes
  • Connecting clients to additional resources (e.g. mental health, chiropody, housing)

Diabetes Eye Screening (Teleophthalmology Program) can screen patients for retinopathy, send the report to the provider, and help arrange treatment if needed.

Choose Health Self-Management Program offers trained peer facilitators who support patients to learn and practice self-management skills including goal setting and problem solving.

Diabetes Prevention Programs include specialty trained nurses and/or dietitians who screen patients for Type 2 diabetes and help provide recommendations to reduce risk.

Programs are also available with specialized focus for populations: Aboriginal, Chinese, Francophone, racialized women of colour, and South Asian. Visit the website for information about diabetes support for children and youth through the Pediatric Diabetes Network.

Some of the resources available to primary care providers:

Referrals can be made by fax, online submission, through the mail, or over the phoneThe online form features multiple expanding menu options that allow the referrer to select individual programs, upload relevant documents (lab results, medical history, consult reports), or to submit a general request for diabetes services if not familiar with programs.

To refer or to receive more information visit TorontoDiabetesReferral.com or call 416-778-0676 ext. 242. Programs are free. No OHIP required.

Services are offered in many languages and professional interpretation is provided when necessary.

June 19, 2019

Below is information about The Toronto Seniors Helpline serving the TC LHIN.

Toronto Seniors Helpline
A single point of access for help, 365 days a year!

Toronto Seniors Helpline: 416-217-2077; TTY: 1-844-946-1700

The Toronto Seniors Helpline (TSH) is an easy way for providers, caregivers and seniors to navigate community support and crisis services within Toronto.

Call the Toronto Seniors Helpline to reach a variety of services and supports; whether seniors need a little help or a lot.
Services include help for seniors in crisis, access to in-home care services such as nursing and personal support, counselling over the phone, access to community services such as Meals on Wheels and adult day programs, and support for caregivers.

The line is TTY-accessible and interpretation services are available.

Toronto Seniors Helpline is staffed 365 days a year by highly skilled, compassionate professionals.

Services that you can access through the Toronto Seniors Helpline:

  • Adult day programs for frail seniors or those with dementias
  • Caregiver relief/respite for caregivers
  • Case management
  • Community dining
  • Crisis support and assistance
  • Exercise and falls prevention
  • Foot care
  • Friendly visiting
  • Health promotion and education
  • Home help and homemaking
  • Home maintenance and repair
  • Hospice care (respite care)
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Medical escort service
  • Personal care or personal support
  • Security check
  • Shopping assistance/shopping list pickup/shopping trips
  • Snow removal and yard work
  • Social and recreational activities
  • Social work
  • Supportive housing
  • Transportation

June 7, 2019

Eligibility for individuals with valid OHIP card who:

  • have been discharged from a hospital after an overnight stay and requires physiotherapy for the condition, illness or injury related to the hospitalization
  • receive income from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program
  • are age 65 or older

Referral is required by doctor or nurse practitioner

(In-home physiotherapy may be available for qualifying homebound individuals through TC LHIN Home and Community Care; contact your local LHIN representative at 416-310-2222 to learn more)

Please check Ministry of Health webpage for up-to-date listings and additional clinics.

Clinic Name Address Clinic Contact
Albany Medical Clinic 807 Broadview Avenue 416-461-9471
Achieva Health 355 Eglinton Ave. East 416-489-8888
Community Physiotherapy Clinic 1308 Queen Street East 416-465-2401
High Park Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Clinic 2146 Bloor Street West 416-766-8565
Kings Professional Physiotherapy Clinic 1206 King Street West 416-588-9377
Kingsway Physiotherapy Centre 3101 Bloor Street West, Suite 208 416-233-6368
LifeMark Physiotherapy – Toronto Bathurst 6-1500 Bathurst Street 416-651-0040
O’Connor Rehabilitation & Wellness Clinic 945 O’Connor Drive 416-701-1111
Parkdale Physiotherapy Associates 2888 Bathurst Street, 3rd Floor 416-256-0600
Physical Therapy Services 109-484 Church Street 416-923-8577
Physio Wellness (Jane) 202-909 Jane Street 416-604-4404
Physiotherapy Associates 28 Overlea Boulevard 416-441-1222
PT Health – Main and Gerrard Physiotherapy 194 Main Street 416-691-4835
PT Health – Melrose Physiotherapy 368 Melrose Avenue 416-789-5936
St. George Physiotherapy Clinic 1202-180 Bloor Street West 416-921-4587
York Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre 977 Eglinton Avenue West 416-781-3945
Publicly Funded Hospital Based Community Clinics
St. Joseph’s Health Centre 30 The Queensway 416-530-6058

May 23, 2019

Listed below is information with links to Toronto area Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAMs) clinics.

A rapid access addiction medicine (RAAM) clinic is a low-barrier, walk-in model that patients can attend to get help for a substance use disorder without an appointment or formal referral.

RAAM clinics provide time-limited medical addiction care (including pharmacotherapy, brief counseling, and referrals to community services).

Individuals don’t need an appointment to attend this clinic – just show up during clinic hours with an Ontario Health Card.

See website Meta:Phi (Mentoring, Education, and Clinical Tools for Addiction) to find resources and additional clinic locations.

RAAM clinics provide time-limited medical addiction care including pharmacotherapy, brief counseling, and referrals to community services. Individuals need just show up during clinic hours with an Ontario Health Card.

Clinic site locations and contact Hours of operation Additional information
Anishnawbe Health Toronto RAAM
4 Charles St. E, 3rd Floor, M4Y 1T2
416-657-0379 ext. 234
Mondays 9 a.m. – noon; Wednesdays and Thursdays 1 –4 p.m. For community members who identify as Indigenous
Humber River Hospital RAAM
1235 Wilson Ave., 5th Floor, M3M 3G7
289-221-4839 or 1-888-399-8342
Tuesdays 3 –5 p.m., Thursdays 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Take east outpatient elevators
Michael Garron Hospital RAAM
825 Coxwell Ave., M4J 1G6
416-461-8272 (main switchboard)
Tuesdays and Fridays
9 –11 a.m.
Go to central registration
You may download and fax referral to 416-461-1164
St. Michael’s Family Health Team
95 Homewood Ave., M4Y 2K1
noon –4 p.m.
Pregnant patients only
St. Joseph’s Health Centre RAAM
30 The Queensway, Ground Flr, M6R 1B5
416-530-6486 ext. 3969
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10 –11:30 a.m.
Register at Family Medicine
St. Michael’s Hospital Rapid Access Clinic
30 Bond St., 17th Floor, M5B 1X1
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon Cardinal Carter Wing
Scarborough and Rouge Hospital RAAM
3050 Lawrence Ave. E, Crockford Pavilion, Ground Flr, M1P 2V5; 416-431-8269
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 9 –11 a.m. RAAM@shn.ca
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre RAAM
2075 Bayview Ave., Rm K3W 40, M4N 3M5
416-480-6100 (Ext. 6736)
Wednesdays 2 – 4 p.m. Follow signs for Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre
Toronto Western Hospital RAAM
399 Bathurst St., 1st Flr, WW 1-414, M5T 2S8
416-603-2581 (main switchboard)
Mondays and Wednesdays 9 –11 a.m. Patient reception, across from West Wing elevators
Women’s College Hospital RAAM
76 Grenville St., 3rd Flr, M5S 1B2
416-323-7559 ext. 6
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 10 a.m. – noon please arrive before 11:30 a.m.for registration
Meta:Phi (Mentoring, Education, and Clinical Tools for Addiction) for provider and patient resources, and additional clinic locations

May 3, 2019

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure (CHF) are responsible for significant health care costs in Ontario. One program developed to improve the management of these conditions is Telehomecare, which provides six months of health status monitoring and patient self-management education at no cost to participating COPD and heart failure patients. With more than 3,000 Telehomecare patients enrolled between 2012 and 2016, research has shown that the program reduced emergency department visits and hospital admissions. Health coaching will help to build the skills to review each patient’s own situation, make decisions and plan for healthy living.

You may use your standard Home Care Services referral formoption for Telehomecare is located near the bottom of the page.

The program offers patient service for a limited time (on average six months). At the end of the program, the patient will have learned self-management skills and have been introduced to local health and community services. The patient will continue to have appointments with their health care provider as required. The Telehomecare nurse will also partner with each health care provider and other members of the patient care team, keeping them regularly informed and working with them. A discharge summary is provided to the primary care provider who will continue to support the care plan.

For more information about either Telehomecare program call the Toronto Central LHIN: 416-217-3841

March 29, 2019

Get faster access to specialist advice

eConsult improves patient care by offering timely access to specialist advice, and often eliminates the need to send patients for in-person specialist visits.

Physicians and nurse practitioners use a private and secure web portal to send a specialist a clinical question about their patient and receive a prompt response.

Soon, they will also have the convenience of accessing eConsult through their electronic medical record (EMR) software.

The Ontario eConsult Program

The Ontario eConsult Program was created to enable timely and equitable access to specialist advice, and is available to all to primary care physicians and nurse practitioners.

OntarioMD is supporting the deployment of the program and enabling availability of the service through OntarioMD-certified EMRs.

eConsult provides important benefits

  • Quick access to specialist advice from anywhere in Ontario. On average, the requesting provider receives a response in less than two days.
  • Saves time and resources, as only about one third of eConsults result in patients needing to see a specialist face-to-face.
  • Liability protection for specialists, through the permanent written record of advice provided on a secure platform.

How eConsult works

  1. Referer sees patient and collects PHI such as:
    • Exam results
    • Lab results
    • Digital photos
  2. eConsult creates and sends eConsult to specialist with PHI and clinical question
  3. Specialist reviews patient data
  4. eConsult specialist:
    • Answers a clinical question or;
    • Provides a consult report or;
    • Requests that the patient be referred

More details (pdf file)

For registration or questions about eConsult

March 22, 2019

We would like you to be aware that the St. Michael’s Hospital site of the TC-LHIN Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain (RAC-LBP) program has started seeing consults. They are continuing to build their number of advanced practice providers, but have capacity to see patients even with their current staffing complement.

If you haven’t already done so, please register for the RAC-LBP at the following link for the mandatory training module in order to begin referring. There is no wait list. Upon completion of the online registration and learning module (approximately 15 minutes of your time), you can begin to refer patients within 2-3 days. Providers previously enrolled through the ISAEC program do not need to repeat their registration and my contact isaec@uhn.ca to receive the updated referral form.

A reminder that RAC-LBP referrals are triaged to a participating site based on patient postal code so your patient may not necessarily be referred to the St Michael’s site.

Please note that questions about this program can be directed to Central Intake office by calling 416-967-8617 or contact Shama Umar at the Toronto Central LHIN, at shama.umar@tc.lhins.on.ca.

March 13, 2019

HealthForceOntario – transition out of practice resources

HealthForceOntario (HFO) offers transition out of practice resources for physicians who are considering retirement or would like assistance with their succession planning.

HealthForceOntario offers a Transition out of Practice: A Guide for Physicians – PDF. The guide assists physicians with various aspects of the transition out of practice process, including succession planning.

In addition, HealthForceOntario provides regional advisors who offer support to physicians transitioning out of practice. This is a free service with no wait list. Regional advisors work with individual physicians to help them to understand the options available.

To connect with the HFO regional advisor for Toronto please contact Michelle Laing:

HFO also has a variety of practice related resources available online.

Feb. 15, 2019

The Health Care Connect program offers:

  • Voluntary participation for physicians who want to grow their practice
  • Flexibility in referring as many or as few patients at a rate managed by the physician
  • Participating physicians may stop accepting patients at any time
  • Fee enhancements offered for accepted complex clients
  • Assistance to patients to find a new family doctor in a location that works for them

Physicians may call Health Care Connect to register at 416-217-3820 ext. 3742.

Patients may register by calling 1-800-445-1822 (answered 24/7)

For questions about this program, please reach to Dorothy Wedel, Primary Care Project Manager for the Mid-East Sub-Region 416-867-7460 ext. 48372 or Dorothy.Wedel@unityhealth.to

More information at Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website

Feb. 8, 2019

Mental health counselling for children, youth, young adults and their families, and families with infants

Immediate mental health counselling is available at the ‘what’s up’ walk-in clinic.

No fee. No appointment. No health card.

Six locations across Toronto:


65 Wellesley Street East Suite 500, Toronto, M4Y 1G7, 416-395-0660
Website: https://www.skylarkyouth.org/

Serving up to age 26 and under. Offers immediate telephone interpretation if you require a specific language. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 2 – 6 p.m. (last session 5 p.m.)
Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last session 1 p.m.)
Wednesday: noon – 8 p.m. (last session 7 p.m.)
Thursday: 2 – 6 p.m. (last session 5 p.m.)
Friday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last session 1 p.m.)

Yorktown Family Services

2010 Eglinton Ave. West, Suite 300, Toronto, M6E 2K3, 416-394-2424
Website: https://www.yorktownfamilyservices.com/

Serving up to age 24 and under. Offers immediate telephone interpretation if you require a specific language. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 1:30 – 6 p.m. (last session 4:30 p.m.)
Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (last session at 1:30 p.m.)
Wednesday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday: 1:30 – 6 p.m. (last session 4:30 p.m.)
Friday: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (last session at 1:30 p.m.)


636 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, M1K 2B3, 416-967-1773
Website: https://youthlink.ca/

Serving up to age 24 and under. Languages offered include: Cantonese, Mandarin, Armenian, Urdu. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (last session at 5 p.m.)
Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last session at 1 p.m.)
Wednesday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session at 7 p.m.)
Thursday: 2 – 6 p.m. (last session at 5 p.m.)
Friday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last session at 1 p.m.)

Griffin Centre Mental Health Services

1126 Finch Ave West, Unit 16, Toronto, M3J 3J6, 416-222-4380
Website: http://www.griffincentre.org/

Serving up to age 29 and under. Languages offered include: English, Mandarin, Farsi, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Punjabi. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 1:30 – 7 p.m. (last appointment at 6 p.m.)
Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last appointment at 1 p.m.)
Wednesday: 1:30 – 7 p.m. (last appointment at 6 p.m.)
Thursday: 2 – 7 p.m. (last appointment at 6 p.m.)
Also on Thurs 2 – 5 p.m. *Adventure Place is available for ages 0-12 & families*
Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last appointment at 1 p.m.)

The Etobicoke Children’s Centre

200 Ronson Drive, 4th Floor, Etobicoke, M9W 5Z9, 416-240-1111
Website: http://www.etobicokechildren.com/

Serving up to age 24 and under. Languages offered include: Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Indian Bengali. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 2 – 6 p.m. (last appointment at 4:30 p.m.)
Tuesdays: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (last appointment at 2:30 p.m.)
Wednesdays: noon – 8 p.m. (last appointment at 6:30 p.m.)
Thursdays: 2 – 6 p.m. (last appointment at 4:30 p.m.)
Fridays: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last appointment at 12:30 p.m.)

East Metro Youth Services

1200 Markham Road, Suite 200, Scarborough, M1H 3C3, 416-438-3697
Website: http://emys.on.ca/

Serving up to age 29 and under. Languages offered include: Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Urdu, Tagalog, Tamil, Spanish, French. Please call to find out which days your preferred language is offered on each site.

Monday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session 6:30 p.m.)
Tuesday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session 6:30 p.m.)
Wednesday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday: 2 – 8 p.m. (last session 6:30 p.m.)
Friday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (last session 3:30 p.m.)
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (last session 12:30 p.m.)

Jan. 11, 2019

Here are some concussion resources that will be helpful to primary care providers in your LHIN. In Ontario, over 150,000 people are diagnosed annually with concussion in emergency departments and by primary care physicians. In 2016 there were 13,771 concussions diagnosed in your LHIN. Our work has uncovered that both health care providers and patients feel ill-prepared to effectively navigate the healthcare system with respect to concussion care and management of persistent concussion symptoms.

The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation has been working to provide clarity and evidence-informed direction with respect to post-concussion care for health care providers and patients by releasing the Standards of Post-Concussion Care and the  3rd Edition Guideline for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & Persistent Symptoms for Adults over 18 Years of Age. Providers can use the resources to learn about up-to-date evidence-informed practices and recommendations. Our goal is to streamline visits with health care providers and provide direction to patients and families to increase confidence about how, what and when care should be provided.

We want to ensure that health care providers are aware of these new resources and we see the LHINs as having a key role in this.


Chad Debison-Larabie
Program and Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, ABI
416-422-2228 ext. 207

Judy Gargaro
Clinical and Systems Implementation Associate, ABI
416-422-2228 ext. 216

Dec. 21, 2018

We are pleased to inform you about the expanded low-barrier mobile interprofessional primary care (IPC) team which is servicing homeless and other vulnerable individuals in the Moss Park neighborhood.

This is operating out of Sherbourne Health Centre in partnership with Street Health. Clinical services are available after-hours.

Please see the attached flyer which outlines times and locations of the first two stops.

We will provide you with updates to the schedule as they are made available.

Moss Park Interprofessional Primary Care (IPC) Health Bus

Starting every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Moss Park IPC schedule
Day Time Location
Tuesday 5:30 – 9 p.m. Comer of Queen St. E & Sherboume St.
Across from Maxwell Meighen Centre
Wednesday 5:30 – 9 p.m. Gerrard St. E and George St.
In front of George St. 24/7 Respite Site
Friday 6 – 9 p.m. Dundas St. E & Sherboume St.
In front of Margarets Drop-In Centre
Saturday 12:30 – 2 p.m. Corner of Dundas St. E and Parliament St.
In front of the Council Fire Parliament St. exit
3:30 – 6:30 p.m. Gerrard St. E and George St.
In front of George St. 24/7 Respite Site

Anyone is eligible to receive services. We welcome all drop-ins.

Services are provided by nurse practitioners and case managers

Services include:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of conditions
  • Case management and brief intervention services
  • Harm reduction supplies and overdose prevention (Naloxone)
  • Referrals to health care providers. specialists and community supports, including housing
  • Form assistance (benefits, social assistance, I.D.)

The Moss Park IPC Program is a collaboration between Sherbourne Health and Street Health.

Questions? Please call 647-730-3392

November 14, 2018

What is TIP?

TIP (Telemedicine IMPACT Plusprovides rapid access to a virtual team of professionals to enable proactive health and social care for patients with complex conditions, and their family caregivers.

Telemedicine IMPACT Plus is an OHIP-Billable Service that supports coordinated care planning and derives new solutions for addressing the patient’s chronic conditions.

The Primary Care Provider, patient, and their family caregivers benefit from the support of a dedicated nurse who coordinates the patient’s circle of care.

The TIP consultation clinic empowers the patient and their caregivers to manage complex health conditions.

Which patients do I refer?

  • Patients with multiple chronic conditions and medications.
  • Frequently hospitalized patients in need of access to psychiatric, mental health or social supports.
  • Patients who could benefit from coordinated care planning.

Why should I refer to TIP?

  • •Access psychiatric and internist consultation within weeks or sooner.
  • Develop a Coordinated Care Plan.
  • Navigate health and community resources with a dedicated nurse.
  • Build and foster resiliency by enhancing access to local resources.
  • Gain supports to help manage the patients who “keep you up at night”.


Last updated November 01, 2021