Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Trauma Video Review Study: Information for patients and families

Every patient who receives care in our trauma room is included in a study that records information about the care we provided. The study does not affect the care they receive, and it allows us to continue to improve the care we provide. 

For more information about the study contact the research team at TVR@unityhealth.to

If you have any questions regarding the rights of research participants, you may contact the Research Ethics Board of Unity Health Toronto at 416-864-6060 ext. 42557.

The information below provides a short overview of the study. For full details, please consult the letter you received from the Trauma Video Review Study Team and/or click on this link.

This study has the power to improve care for future trauma patients. Every patient who is included brings us one step closer to this goal.

A Prospective Observational Study of Safety Threats and Adverse Events in Trauma (PrO-STAT): A Pilot Study

The purpose of this study is to record detailed information about the care we provided in the trauma room of the Emergency Department, so that we can improve the quality of care.

This study uses the same kind of approach as the aviation industry, where they use a ‘black box’ to record flight data and voice recordings, and find ways to improve safety. Names will NOT be on the video or audio recordings or on any data gathered for this study.

The audio and video recordings will only be used for this study and will be securely deleted after they have been analyzed for study purposes. This will take place within 30 days after care is received in the trauma room.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You can choose to withdraw from this study at any time. Participants or their substitute decision makers will receive a letter with more information on participation and withdrawal.

Your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect the care that you or your family may receive at St. Michael’s Hospital.

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Chair of the Unity Health Toronto Research Ethics Board at 416-864-6060 ext. 42557 during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

If you have any questions about the study, or if you wish to withdraw from the study at any time, please contact TVR@unityhealth.to or call 437-778-2260.

Physicians Services Inc. Foundation is funding this study.

Unity Health Toronto holds an equity interest in Surgical Safety Technologies, the company that created the platform that will be used in this research study.

Last updated August 29, 2023