Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Physician Wellness Steering Committee resources for physicians

Please note: This information is for the physicians of Unity Health Toronto, and is not for distribution outside of Unity Health. We are using a private section of our external website to allow you easy access to these materials offsite and after hours.

Overall best source of information

For all things wellness: resources, information, connections:

For physicians: https://www.cma.ca/physician-wellness-hub/physicians 

For physician leaders/organizations: https://www.cma.ca/physician-wellness-hub/leaders

Personal resilience and support

Counselling referrals

  1. OMA Physician Health Program  1-800-851-6606 or https://www.cma.ca/supportline/ontario
    – 24/7 confidential triage service to a vast resource bank of coaches, therapists, psychiatrists with expertise working with physicians. For urgent/nonurgent concerns and advice.
  2. CAMH online self referral for mental health supports for health care workers
  3. Canadian Psychological Association list of psychologists offering pro bono services to health care workers during COVID

Physician coaching services

To help clarify professional priorities, set career goals and support overall well-being

  1. Canadian Physician Coaches Network
  2. Murray Erlich – family physician at Unity Health Toronto (St. Joseph’s)
  3. Sarah Gray – ER doc at Unity Health Toronto (St. Michael’s)

Online counselling services

  1. Mind Beacon – Free online mental health evaluation, support and CBT to Ontarians. Special section for Front line health care workers. Free of cost
  2. BounceBack: free phone and online CBT based skill-building program delivered by a coach and managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).

Internet resources

  1. Best apps for mental wellness (CMHA Hamilton)
  2. CAMH website dedicated to support self-care, coping strategies and mental health resources to health care workers during the pandemic
  3. Psychological First Aid for Health-care Providers workbook

Culture of wellness

Peer support

  1. Code Lavender – Supportive response for individuals or teams.
    Contact Spiritual Care. X6165 or 416-739-5324 after 5 p.m.
  2. Personal Protective Relationships (PPR) from UT
  3. Peer Support “How To” from the CMA physician Wellness Hub

Active groups

  1. Daily virtual chats for encouragement and support led by skilled group facilitator and SJHC psychiatrist Dr. Kas Khorsani
  2. The Wellness Connection – Physician peer support led by expert facilitators.
  3. CAMH-sponsored ECHO Coping with COVID Community of Support

Mindfulness drop-ins

  1. Mindful Recess. Designed with the busy clinician in mind, SJHC physician Dr. Sarah Kim will be hosting virtual guided meditations followed by a brief mindful or self-reflection activity offered Tuesdays and Thursdays every 15 minutes from 12:00-13:00 EST (12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45) beginning May 4. 

Meeting ID: 970 9132 6474

Passcode: recess

Last updated June 09, 2021