Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) Unit

The Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) Unit provides an elder-friendly environment for patients over 70 who have multiple chronic health conditions, may be seeing a decline in their function and/or are facing complex social issues. The unit comprises eight beds at St. Michael’s Hospital.

With physiotherapists and occupational therapists on our team, there is an emphasis on the patient’s mobility and function to help them maintain their independence and ability to return home. The unit embraces a collaborative and interprofessional philosophy to providing care. The team works closely with community partners facilitating a safe transition home by ensuring that the appropriate supports are in place.

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St. Michael’s Hospital

30 Bond St.,
Toronto, ON
M5B 1W8
The main entrance is located near Queen St. East and Victoria St. The Bond St. entrance is not open to the public at this time.

14th Floor
Cardinal Carter Wing