Unity Health launched a new electronic patient record system on November 30. Please be patient with staff as they get comfortable using the new system. To learn more about what this new system means for you, visit the EPR project page.

Nima Noordeh

Department: Surgery,
Division: Ophthalmology,
Languages: English, Farsi,
Speciality: Cornea and Medical Retina,

Dr. Noordeh is an ophthalmologist with interests in cornea, cataract, refractive surgery and medical retina. Dr. Noordeh has undergone fellowship training at the University of Ottawa Eye Institute for Cornea and refractive surgery, as well at Queen’s University for Medical Retina.

Dr. Noordeh has an interest in medical education, and has been involved in medical training of allied health workers, medical students, residents and physicians. Dr. Noordeh has also served as an examiner for the Medical Council of Canada.

Dr. Noordeh enjoys participating in international ophthalmology. This interest has taken him to the United Kingdom where he spent time at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He has spent time working at the Srikiran Institute of Ophthalmology, in the Andhra Pradesh Province of India. Here in Canada, he has worked up north in Iqaluit, Nunavut, providing medical and surgical care for the area.

Last updated July 19, 2024