Rheumatology Pregnancy Clinic

The St. Michael’s Rheumatic Diseases and Pregnancy Clinic is a unique multidisciplinary rheumatology clinic, which provides in-depth care for patients with rheumatic conditions during pregnancy. Patients with rheumatic conditions including, but not limited to, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), seronegative spondyloarthritis, vasculitis and myositis receive sub-specialty care.

The St. Michael’s Rheumatic Diseases and Pregnancy clinic works closely with other specialties, including the maternal fetal medicine obstetrics as well as pediatric cardiology. The program supports patients during pregnancy, as well as during the pre- and post-partum periods. Robust research evaluating the impact of pregnancy and medication use on rheumatic diseases, as well as patient experiences, is ongoing. Additionally, the program is recognized for its rich educational opportunities, and contributes to training of learners from across the country.

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St. Michael’s Hospital

30 Bond St.,
Toronto, ON
M5B 1W8
The main entrance is located near Queen St. East and Victoria St. The Bond St. entrance is not open to the public at this time.

B1 Donnelly Wing

Martin Family Centre Clinic


Phone – 416-864-5295

Fax – 416-864-5139

Health-care Providers

Referrals can be written up on a standard referral letter directly to the Rheumatic Diseases and Pregnancy Clinic sent to the fax number 416-864-5139, however please indicate confirmation of pregnancy, delivery date if known, and how far along in pregnancy.