Pacemaker Clinic

Patients with pacemakers come to the clinic on a regular schedule. During the clinic visit, patients are seen by device technologists, or a cardiologist who specializes in electrophysiology. They will make sure the pacemaker is working properly.

The Pacemaker Clinic is an outpatient clinic that provides education and follow-up for patients with implanted pacemakers to ensure safe and proper function. Pacemaker appointments are typically scheduled every six months. At each scheduled visit, your pacemaker will be checked by a device certified technologist and reviewed by a cardiologist. Pacemaker implantation and pack changes can be arranged through the clinic and are performed at St. Joseph’s in the main operating room.


St. Joseph’s Health Centre

30 The Queensway,
Toronto, ON
M6R 1B5

Parking Alerts

Room 1E-132
East Wing


Phone: 416-530-6325
Fax: 416-530-6702


Monday to Friday
8 am to 4 pm

ECG Walk Ins
Monday to Friday
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m


This clinic is for:

  • Patients with permanent pacemakers
  • Patients who may need a pacemaker

You must receive a referral from your health-care provider to access this clinic, with the exception of an electrocardiogram (ECG).

An appointment is required for all tests with the exception of an ECG (walk in from Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm)


  • Referrals for implant can be faxed to 416-530-6702 with attention to Pacemaker Clinic. Transfer of pacemaker follow-up requests can be faxed to the above number with attention to the pacemaker clinic.


Health-care Providers

Transfer of pacemaker follow-up requests or referrals for implant can be faxed to 416-530-6702 with attention to the Pacemaker Clinic.