Home Total Parenteral Nutrition (HTPN)

In 1995, an allied health team was approved to support Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy to provide care for Home Total Parenteral Nutrition (HTPN) patients. Our team consists of a dedicated gastroenterologist, TPN nurses, dietitians and pharmacists who specialize in nutritional care, central line management and intestinal rehabilitation. Our team has mainstreamed several innovations by conducting clinical drug trials and clinical research that has led to original publications. We are proud to say that we have one of the first academic health centers to have a Home TPN Clinic where the patient can be seen with the multidisciplinary team in St. Michael’s, while the specialist is in another city using urban Telemedicine. Internal referrals for Home TPN can be made by contacting the TPN Nurse.

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St. Michael’s Hospital

30 Bond St.,
Toronto, ON
M5B 1W8
The main entrance is located near Queen St. East and Victoria St. The Bond St. entrance is not open to the public at this time.

Room 141
16th Floor
Cardinal Carter North


Phone: 416-864-6092
Fax: 416-864-5882


Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


You must receive a referral from your health-care provider to access this service.

Health-care Providers

Internal referrals for Home TPN can be made by contacting the TPN Nurse.